"Checkered" progress
I decided to spend several hours working on sewing up some more blocks and adding to the top.
At this rate, it will take a long, long time.
This is my #8 top in the UP Greens series and I’m working on it side by side with other tops as I go along. I’m using 1.5” strips, so I’m trying to cut every day now.
But I know it won’t stay at this rate, if I may use that expression.
My bag of 1.5” strips to be sewn up into these checkerboard 16 patches.
Every day I’ve been cutting strips as I’m working on cleaning up the floor and area where I’m trying to tame this pile of greens. I am noticing, however, that my greens are significantly less than my blues were. So the total number of quilts simply can’t be nearly as many as I did with blue (50). Plus, I’m not going to do crumb quilts with these - as I’m passing those pieces to Ewa. If she wants to make something like that, then she can, but I’ve decided to not make any on this greens series. I am fine with using 1.5” strips, however, and will use them in 1” finished squares - whether as borders, 9 patches, 16 patches or other blocks, strips, or other pieces. Just not crumbs.
Anyway, I did the same as before on this top. I sewed up strips—white/green.
I sewed those strips together to make four.
I pressed and trimmed to make strips of four squares.
I sewed those to make blocks and then made a strip of blocks to add to the top. I was able to add only two rows.
But eventually I will quit trimming to 1.5” and use that time (about 20 min a day) to sew up strips. It’s slow. It’s tedious. The strips are kind of short - at least this last batch was.
But, in the end, I do like the look, even though this may be the ugliest green quilt ever. So the “look/design” will have to overpower the actual seriously sad, ugly and completely uncoordinated colors. I’m really kind of cringing as I work on it. I wish I had more grass green or hunter green.
But I continue.
By adding to it now, I’m giving myself feedback that encourages me to do more. I could, in theory, wait until I had all the blocks I needed for this top and then put it together. But I’m choosing not to do it that way, as I need something like this where I can work for a while, add to the top, and see progress - even if it is small.
I’ll try to keep you updated with a gallery of “progress” as I do work on this from time to time and show you the “newest” state. If you want to know exactly how I’m making the pieces, check out the original blog post here.
Just in case you are new to this blog and me - I did make this one in blues and it looked like this just after quilting. Yes, those are 1” finished.
The blue one turned out fantastic - and I’m really in love with it. I’m hoping that somehow when I finish the greens, I’ll have that magical moment where I fall in love with it as I did the blues one.
Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Stay safe!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Here’s one of the beauties we have!