Thanks Jo!
Jo Kramer, over at Jo’s Country Junction featured my last year’s mystery quilt in a blog post. I wanted to share it here!
If you’ve never seen her blog, you should.
I saw it long before I ever thought about blogging about anything to do with quilting and liked it then. I don’t know how long she’s been blogging, but she’s experienced!
(Years ago I had a blog that talked all about our work here in Poland and a lot of cultural things.)
I wanted to say a special thanks to Jo and her kindness to us here at Quilted Twins.
She’s been so helpful and supportive to us/me - and I do appreciate it. No, she has no idea I’m doing this - she certainly did not ask me to mention her! I’m a little person anyway, when it comes to blogging - so what I do probably makes no difference to her. But I think she is genuinely a kind person - and would love to encourage you to read her blog as well if you don’t already. She does all sorts of things over there on her blog and the name she chose fits it perfectly!
I like her quilting style - so the quilts she and her daughter have designed are really nice! If you haven’t been there - be sure to check it out. once again -it’s here - Jo’s Country Junction.
Have you ever tried to give something away on Freecycle or another group where you made arrangements for someone to pick something up and they didn’t come with no telephone call as to why? Probably yes.
We are giving away a wardrobe that was in our basement - and I advertised it on our local give away group. The lady said she’d be here at 2 pm. At 2:20 I remembered since we had made the arrangement at 8:20 in the morning - and no, she hadn’t shown up. I went to get my phone and keep it close. I waited a few more minutes and tried to call her. No answer. I left a voice mail - though if she’s like me - she doesn’t ever listen to those. (Why don’t I? First of all, it’s not included in our plan and I have to pay extra to listen to them and secondly, I don’t know how.)
Generally if I see someone called and I missed it, I just call them back.
Finally, quite a while later (maybe 1.5 hours) she called and said she was sorry and apologized profusely and said something about her transportation not coming.
By now I already had closed up the gate and decided to get back to my sewing room. Before I had kind of kept an eye out on the gate until about 3:30 pm and then decided to close it and let it go. Naturally while keeping an eye out, I had been cutting up some greens - but wanted to just go on with my life without having to think about someone possibly coming by. (We don’t have a doorbell on our gate so once the gate is locked either people have to call or I need to have a prearranged agreement for them to come over.)
She may or may not come for that wardrobe sometime. In the meantime my husband has dismantled it and it waits a new owner.
I chose tile that looks like vintage oak planks (At least that is the name of it.)
So how does this affect me and my quilting life? Well, this room we are cleaning out and redoing the flooring, walls and such is the room NEXT to the room targeted for a long arm - which has a bunch of stuff in it. The man who is helping my husband moved that wardrobe out of the room they are currently working on (they are not working nonstop - it’s a from time to time type of working on). Once the room gets finished, my husband can hopefully build bookshelves in there and we can get some books up on the walls and out of that room where I have them stored in boxes - and then I will have that much more cleaned out of this “future long arm” room. However, as I unpack boxes to potentially put books on the shelves, I may just donate them - we’ll see. Depends on what they are.
I packed them up years ago now when I needed the space upstairs for other things. Anyway, getting rid of this wardrobe is actually peripherally related to quilting! Very peripherally!
Besides books, there’s also a foosball table, a ping pong table, paintball equipment, some weights and barbell, etc. in this future long arm room. I will have to tackle each item individually. The books may be the easiest part of cleaning out that room!
This pillow is 24”x28”. (60x70cm)
Have you made a pillowcase for a big square type pillow?
These are the kind that are common here in Europe for the bed. I recently made a quilt with a sailboat theme for a friend and want to make some matching pillowcases. Now I’m experienced in the long, skinny kind for traditional pillows in the states. But so far I’ve not made any for this size. Best get busy, though.
I was thinking of just doing the kind that flaps over on the back but wondered if it wouldn’t stay put. Maybe I’d best use a zipper. I’m really too lazy to make an overlapping one with buttons.
My situation with the greens is getting more dire. They are spawning more. I’m sure they are reproducing!
I’m beginning to think that 15 quilts is seriously underestimating. I’m so curious though - and it is keeping me working on it. I have the next one all cut out and am working on the blocks. That’ll be #7.
The reason these are such is a mess is because I was searching through for darks. And then I sort of tossed a lot of the white based ones into a pile - then I got discouraged and just left it all and walked by it. I’ll probably scoop it all back up and throw it back in the boxes and bags before tomorrow morning when the man who is helping my husband work on the floor in the basement comes back over.
And that’s all I’ve got today from here in Jozefow, Poland!
Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Stay safe!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Here’s one of the beauties we have!