It's Delivered!
I finally took that quilt over to its new owner.
I haven’t been going out an awful lot lately as they keep talking about snow. Now, yes, we do have some snow on the ground.
Go ahead. Laugh!
Last week we had snow. Then it all melted over the weekend. On Monday it started snowing again. This is just after it started on Monday. We have more than this now. :)
I admit to being a weenie when it comes to driving on icy roads. I don’t like it. However, at just above freezing, I can hardly use that as an excuse these days! Even though it’s been snowing quite a bit for us - it has been melting almost as much. As a result, though the ground is white - we don’t have stacks of snow!
However, I’ve been staying home and doing things around here as I haven’t been going out much.
One of the things I have needed to do for months now, is take apart three BIG (120 liter) bags of shirts. Most of them were from the daughter of the lady I made this quilt for. I started taking them apart in early January. I told myself that I needed to cut up a minimum of 5 a day. I tried. Some days I didn’t, and then others I did more than 5. I’m done now!
Once I had completely finished with the shirts, then I allowed myself to deliver this lady’s quilt.
Getting the quilt out of my house was a reward for getting the shirts all done.
(It’s kind of silly, I suppose, but I play a lot of games with myself to get myself to do things I don’t particularly find fun. While I don’t actually MIND taking apart shirts - I had so many that I was feeling overwhelmed.)
She was very appreciative!
And I am relieved. That one is done and out of my house!
But this is where I am with cut up shirts. These are not sorted by color at this point, except I believe there is no green buried in all of these pieces! As I came across green, I went ahead and put them with my UP greens series pieces. These are only the ones I just now added to my room. What this means, I suppose you realize, is that I now am well over my “Blue is only supposed to be two boxes” limit. Hmm.
At this point I just save buttons “just because” I think they are cool.
Now I’m going to forge ahead on cutting up scraps which I created for myself when doing the charity quilts - especially the backings. I’ll do strips as I did last year AND - I need to cut up some more bricks. I need some more 3”x5.5” and 3.5”x 6.5” sizes.
I need them for the next two Mosaic quilts.
For those of you who are curious, a brick, as I understand it, in the quilting world is a piece of fabric = width by (2x that width) minus 0.5”. So common bricks sizes are: 1.5”x2.5”, 2”x3.5”, 2.5”x4.5”, 3”x5.5”, 3.5”x6.5”, 4”x7.5”, etc.
I have two shoeboxes with two sizes - 3”x5.5” and 3.5”x6.5” - but need more. As I work through these scraps in the next month or two, I’ll try to make sure I have enough of those for that. I have a feeling that those tops will go together very, very quickly!
And just in case you are wondering - I have made a few quilts from bricks. I do have more in the works. I just find them a bit harder to come up with ideas that aren’t all the same—though I’ve worked up some nice color variations in the Electric Quilt program. The next one I have planned (and started) is green/purple.
Here are the ones I’ve finished: You can click on any of the pictures and the pattern should pop up.
And now you know! Here are a few of the things I’ve been up to recently!
I’ve also been quilting and sandwiching more quilts but am not quite ready to show what I’ve been up to there.
Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Stay safe!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Here’s one of the beauties we have!