So what are our customer's favorite colors?

We did a survey recently asking customers for their favorite colors to sew/quilt with. We asked them to give us their two most favorite - we didn’t make them choose just one.

Here are the winners:

Blue and purple tied - 12 (20% each)

shades of purple big.jpg

Blue/Greens which includes teal, aqua, seafoam - 11 (18%)

shades of red color.jpg

Red - 6 (10%)

shades of pink.jpg

Pink - 5 (8%)

green colors big.jpg

Green - 4 (7%)

brown colors.jpg

Browns - 3 (5%)


Yellow/Orange/Grays/Black - 2 (3% each)

and white got no votes at all.

I was actually surprised. I really did think something like brown or red would get more votes.

So what about you?

Where do you fit? Do you even have a favorite color to sew with? It’s tough, isn’t it?

Let us know in the comments!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Stay safe!

This one is called “Let the Music Play” and can be purchased here.