"My plans" - What a joke!
This morning I went over to the Quilted Twins store to pick up some washable markers for my own quilting as I want to do some straight line quilting but found myself needing something to draw on the quilt for guides. I figured that Tuesday mornings they have a lot of help so I would be able to slip in and out and get back home.
Not so.
My DIL was not there as she wasn’t feeling well and her two daughters (my twin granddaughters) were sick as well, so I started putting fabric away after the cutters cut. Then I got asked for my opinion about various things and so on.
I didn’t make it back home to the house til about 2 pm. How could I be away that long?
My brother is here from SC helping with mom and he has been a HUGE help! He is my older brother - the second child of my parents. He says likes to cook - something I do not profess to like to do anymore. Yes, I CAN cook - and I can even do a good job at cooking - but do I particularly “like” it? Nah. Not really. Not anymore. I’d rather sew!
I ate something for a late lunch, then sat down and talked with mom a bit who had been sleeping when I first got in - and watched a Murder, She Wrote while I rested my feet. Then began binding and then quilting a small quilt - I mean, a REALLY small quilt (it was the quilt that I needed the washable markers for).
Then, my brother went out to get Chinese take out food for supper. This was new to me - and my mom. I found my sweet and sour chicken tasty, but not sure that my mom enjoyed it quite as much. Then, while we were still sitting around, my brother-in-law (Rachael’s husband, Ken) showed up to see mom and so we talked some more. Eventually, after a lot more talking and getting mom ready for bed, I am able to sit down at the computer and write the blog post for tomorrow. This wasn’t what I was going to write about.
Instead - that’s how my day went.
Oh - and yes - The CNA from Hospice showed up early this morning and we chatted.
I am really not used to all this talking. My days in Poland are much more introverted and quiet.
We had been worried about our CNA because they told us she tested positive for COVID, but what REALLY happened is that she took the vaccine and came down with symptoms, tested positive, and had to have a 10 day quarantine. She was never really sick…and here we thought she had been and were worried about her. Her name is Juliana and is very sweet - and a mom to four children.
In short - where is mom these days?
She did get off the bed by herself today and took a step TO the walker - WITHOUT support, so that is a big step! I am hoping by the middle of next week to see her walk to the front bathroom with her walker and be able to start thinking about using the bathroom/toilet in there. That is kind of the next big goal that I have for her. My brother is working with her with the physical therapy each day. She needs more stamina to do it more than once a day which is what she did today.
We did get her to church the last two Sunday mornings for the morning service. She was in the wheelchair and at the end of the hour this past Sunday, I asked her if she wanted to stay for dinner. She said, “I’m wilted,” so we came on home. (They have a meal together after the morning service and then an afternoon service.) Getting her into the minivan and then into the wheelchair and then reverse, is definitely the hardest part of the trip.
Tomorrow we are planning a big trip to Dollar Tree - her favorite store. :) Last time we did it was 2 weeks ago and she enjoyed it. We have to remember to take her out - it gives her a chance to see the world around her and see what’s happening “out there”.
Mom will be 89 this August.
And there you are. Mom is getting stronger, inch by inch - slowly - ever so slowly.
Mom was in the hospital for 20 days - from April 8 to April 28. People have said that it takes 3 days for every day you are in the hospital to get your strength back. Another person said it takes a week. The latest I’ve heard is 8 days for every day. So…I guess I can take my pick. I asked our family doctor about these ‘sayings’ and he hesitated and said, “I’m not sure there are any statistics about almost 89 year-olds.” I had to nod agreement, and say, “Of course!”
So there you go - the days aren’t exciting - but they are going. Mom is getting stronger, little by little. Keep praying and thank you for caring!
Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Stay safe!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Here’s one of the beauties we have!