Dream Big Delight - Aurora!
I suppose it was inevitable, wasn’t it? The first Dream Big I did was that quiet, pinkish/corally one which ended up winning me over completely!
But this one is DRAMA with all caps! - whereas the last one was all sweetness and light.
I was captivated by it. I hope you like it as well.
Because this is actually a pretty simple thing, I hope the photos will tell the story. The quilting is the same as on the last one. We used local long-armers who come to the shop to pick up tops we have ready. If you are local and need someone to quilt this, just ask us and we will give you their name and contact info. They will be glad to work on your quilt as well.
This is my mom’s back yard and the thing you see that is metal, is an engine hoist. I asked my husband to put a fresh rope or wire across there so I didn’t have to let my beautiful quilts touch that rusty metal. So he did. :)
Those are banana trees in the background. Yes, we did get some tiny bananas off of them this year already - since I’ve been here!
I purchased the blue and white clips at our local Dollar Tree.
Close ups of the quilting!
The long armer is nice enough to send me photos as they work on the quilt.
Isn’t that sweet? Here are some of her photos BEFORE washing.
And, as usual, the quilt roll:
Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Thanks for coming along on my quilting journey with me!
Just in case you are interested in the “other” Dream Big quilt panel I did - it’s here.
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Here’s one of the beauties we have!