Mom's recovery...update
Mom is continuing to slowly recover.
She has exercises for her legs and her arms. She uses a walker to make several trips a day to the bathroom. When she’s too tired to walk there, we use the wheelchair.
Slowly, we are seeing progress. Her strength is gradually returning to her legs so she can swing them up on the bed if it is at its lowest position. I am seeing an improvement on her ability to focus on “things”. Tonight we watched some You Tube videos about COVID and recovery, etc. She remains winded when she exerts energy. I wanted to show her that this is a common problem and not exclusively “her” problem after this virus - much less an almost 89 year old woman.
The CNA does come twice a week and we are going to attempt a shower in her bathroom where mom has a walk in shower. The CNA says it can be done, so I bow to her knowledge and experience which I don’t have in this area.
I am heartened by mom’s efforts now. At first she didn’t always try to do things but now she is - and I know as she tries, she will get stronger even faster.
Dade City, FL is in Pasco County, FL
The mailman stopped by the other day to deliver something to me from Amazon and asked if everything was okay. I told him mom had had COVID and I am here to help, etc.
It turns out he knows mom - and compared mom to his own mom who had 8 children. When I told mom about our discussion she said, “Yes, he’s a really nice man—he goes to the Nazarene church.”
Sometimes it does feel like Dade City, FL, is Mayberry, USA.
I am overwhelmed when I see it at times as I drive by downtown with the little shops and relatively slow way of life. I am impressed by how many people do know each other - especially business owners.
Mom used to teach piano and has taught many, many people here in Dade City how to play (and yes, all three of us ‘girls’ know how to play).
So there you are - I am able to get some sewing done each day. In the meantime, mom is slowly improving. I am scheduled to return to Poland on August 3, so I have that as a deadline, looming over my head.
Thanks for coming along on this journey with me. I appreciate so much your interest and prayers for her/us!
Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Stay safe!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Here’s one of the beauties we have!