Update on Mom


All day long people ask, “How’s your Mom?”

That’s one of those questions that you don’t really know how to answer. You want to be positive, yet not give the impression that she’s running marathons. In fact, she’s not even running. No, not even walking yet.

When we went to pick her up I knew she was one very sick lady, but they couldn’t do any more for her at the hospital.

When we went to pick her up I knew she was one very sick lady, but they couldn’t do any more for her at the hospital.

But, for someone who was as incredibly ill as our 88 year old mother was from April 8-28, she’s definitely improved.

I took in a walking, story telling, albeit quite sick mother, who walked herself into the emergency room reception area, on April 8, and admitted her with what I told them was super high heart rate (149 beats per minute), and COVID.

I got her out on April 28, COVID-FREE, and someone who could not walk, talk or feed herself, hardly eat anything, and definitely could not take care of herself.

Talk about a shock to our systems.

Thankfully, Becky had offered to come back to the States about 2 weeks earlier than originally planned, since her son is getting married in a few days. So, a trip was already in order. Thankfully, due to the COVID situation, the airline let them change her ticket, and Becky was able to fly in on the 23rd, so she could help take care of Mom.

Because of COVID, we had been unable to see her for many days, so we really didn’t know the full scope of the situation. I had to make decisions about where to put here – in a home, or bring her home – all without being able to see her. I was talking to nurses, doctors and social workers who evidently hadn’t seen much of her, either!

So, when my husband, Ken, and I went to pick her up, I wasn’t really surprised when I was told that it wasn’t safe for her to ride in the vehicle – that she couldn’t sit up, hold herself up or anything. In fact, she was barely eating anything, and definitely had covid delirium. She was mentally not with us.

We had been encouraged to put her in a rehab at the hospital, but when they were full, and we found out that every other “home” in the neighborhood required another 2 weeks without any visitation from us, we opted to bring her to HER home. I hadn’t spoken to her in days; hadn’t seen her in a couple of weeks, but just had a strong feeling that she wasn’t doing well. In fact, the doctors had said that she wasn’t recovering like she should.

They threw her onto the hospital bed. I felt SOOOOOOOO sorry for Mom. The only good thing is, she doesn’t remember it.

They threw her onto the hospital bed. I felt SOOOOOOOO sorry for Mom. The only good thing is, she doesn’t remember it.

We all knew why… she needed her family! She needed her piano, her kids, her clothes and good food. She needed love and attention from those who love her.

So, on April 28, the local Transport service ended up bringing her to her own home after we had quickly acquired a hospital bed earlier in the day.

It’s been a steep and fast learning curve for Becky and me.

Becky has taken over most of the day to day care. We are greatly encouraged by her baby steps, though none of those steps are on the floor yet.

We were all hoping to see miracles after just two days at home, with us taking care of her, but after one week at home, we did get Mom back, for the most part, mentally.

Since she’s back with us mentally, she can and will eat. She can and is able to do some therapy with us, though Mike, Becky’s husband, is doing most of that.

Mike is working on the floor, trying to get her to move her feet.  We have to put her in the chair and then take her back out and put her back in bed.

Mike gives Mom therapy. She hates it.


Thankfully our family doctor has come to the house twice to see her. He has checked her vital signs and given us advice on what to do to get her back up and running around the house.


Every TINY improvement has been cause for great celebration!

Oh, she sat up on the bed today?


Mom held her own cup today!


Oh, she sat in the chair for 15 minutes? Now the rocking chair?


She ate a whole piece of chicken?? !!!

Wow.. that’s awesome!

Mom loves flowers.

Multiple batches of cut flowers from Publix made up into a beautiful Mother’s Day arrangement.

She asked to go to church? Wow.. that’s fabulous!

We’ve watched her come back to us ever so slowly. She still has a lot of COVID fog, but no more delirium – crying out in the night; moaning and groaning for loved ones who are gone and so forth. It’s such a huge relief.


We have a FB family group of quite a few of us who are cheering us all on.

For Mother’s Day, a group of them sent me money to get flowers for her and we arranged these beauties for her.

Mom sat on the edge of the bed for quite a while today after the doctor checked her out. Becky sews behind her. You can see the sewing machine behind Becky.

Mom sat on the edge of the bed for quite a while today after the doctor checked her out. Becky sews behind her. You can see the sewing machine behind Becky.


Yesterday, she sat up on the edge of the bed, mostly supporting herself, for at least 10 minutes while the doctor was there, and encouraging her.

So, though it’s cause for rejoicing, we’re not “there” yet. She’s still bed bound. She’s not walking or even taking tiny steps.

So, please continue to pray for us for wisdom. Pray for Mom for strength. Pray for us as we try to figure out how to run this fun, albeit crazy, business, while having a “not well” Mom.

Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Stay safe!