Wedding - Coming up Ahead!
The time has come for our youngest son’s wedding.
It’s Saturday!
Daniel and Jessica.
Rachael has graciously agreed to stay with mom so that we can be free to head up to Greenville, SC to see our son get married! Originally Rachael had planned to go, but with the situation with mom, someone needs to stay back.
Both Daniel and Jessica finished college last year but they had the ceremony this year - so we could get some nice cap and gown photos! So grateful that the university did this. Both finished at Bob Jones University, Greenville, SC. We were not able to be at the service but we did watch it on line.
Daniel was a double major - Bible/IT Technology and Jessica majored in Biblical Counseling.. Both graduated with honors - Daniel, magna cum laude and Jessica, cum laude
This is the screen shot I got of my son getting his plaque. He had already gotten his diploma - a year ago so they gave them plaques that they made specially for the class of 2020.
The plaque the students received to commemorate this most unusual year - 2020.
I will be making the young couple a quilt - but haven’t done it yet!
Since it is coming up on summer in Greenville, SC, and the temps are in the 70’s already soon to be heading to the 80s and even above - a quilt isn’t terribly high on the priority list. I had mapped out about a month before my return to the states to make their quilt, but then with the uncertainty surrounding mom, I was unable to focus properly and get anything finished!
But truthfully, I brought back a quilt my son made as a teenager - and I’m going to give it to them/him and they can use it however they want!
My son wanted to make this simple rail fence using Dr. Who fabric and other fabrics he liked.
I don’t know that we will have time to visit any quilt shop or fabric store on our quick jaunt to the Carolinas. Oh how things have changed from what I originally thought! My sis and I had originally thought we’d take some time to visit a couple of wholesalers in the area of Greenville - within an hour or two. But now it’s not going to happen. But that’s okay. Priorities change. Interests change. Needs must be met. Thankfully at this point, I don’t mind at all.
Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Stay safe!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Here’s one of the beauties we have!
This Ancient Mariner panel can be purchased here!