Baseball Season Nearing the End - off Topic - Sorta

If you follow baseball - then you realize the playoffs are upon us.

The Tampa Bay Rays are in it - and so I’ve been watching. Actually all season long I’ve been watching/listening to both the Tampa Bay Rays’ games and the Toronto Blue Jays’ games. It does keep me going on some of my projects when I’m not particularly enthralled - just watching (sorta - mostly looking up when there is a big hit as they always replay them) and counting on the commentators to keep me interested. There have been many times when I just kept working til the end of the game when I might have stopped had the game not been on.


So that’s a good thing, right?

I know. A lot of us really aren’t that interested in sports. Some of us are so “not interested” it isn’t even funny. Maybe we even despise sports! However….maybe some of your loved ones don’t feel quite the same way. Maybe your little ones love to play basketball or baseball or football or soccer. Or whatever. As you know, many, many of us make gift quilts - often what “we” like is irrelevant.

My point? No matter what team you are for - we have a lot of professional sports teams fabrics.

Since the Rays are playing the Boston Red Sox now, and the Houston Astros are playing the Chicago White Sox, I thought I’d let you see the fabrics we do have in stock.

Right now for the American League we only have these 3 different teams! (These tend to go pretty fast!)

We have other licensed sports teams fabric as well.

While I wish we could keep all of them in stock at any given time, this appears to be a problem. There are very few companies that have the permission to actually print these. As such, they run out of stock and when they run out - we have to wait until they are reprinted before we can buy them.

Here are a few popular football teams (I’m not a football gal, so I’m not showing these because I’m partial).

Basketball seems to be harder to find. Here are a couple.

And if you are interested in college teams, we have quite a few of those. Just do a search for the one you like. I hope we have it!

And there you go. I will be following the Tampa Bay Rays as they continue their post season hopes. But if you are a Red Sox (or other) fan - that is absolutely fine with me!

Don’t forget - we are in the midst of Customer Appreciation Month! Daily my sis is pulling a name from her jar for a winner.

Our winners so far -

Day 1 - Diana Kukk

Day 2 - Janet Edwards

Day 3 - Diane Ray

Day 4 - Barbara Spodacini

Day 5 - Paula Hutchins

Day 6 - Christiano IS

To find out more about this - read about it here - We will have big prizes at the end of the month, so you still have plenty of time to enter. The daily prizes are small fabric prizes.

Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Thanks for coming along with me on my quilting/sewing journey!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

Here’s one of the beauties we have! Get it here!

Dark stormy night

Dark stormy night

Becky Petersen1 Comment