2021 Charity quilts #21-30
Time to take photos of the next ten completely finished, washed and dried quilts!
This pile of quilts while still in the house.
Once I wash them and let them dry, I make sure the cat doesn’t sleep on them. I realize that if someone is deathly allergic, they would probably need to rewash them anyway - just because we have a cat in the house.
Here they are are individually. You can click on the arrows to make it go faster if you want to look that way. Included in this set of quilts are the two that I made where I cut up the tops and redid them. I think you can figure out which ones they are.
I am trying my best to quilt one of these a day (average) and sandwich one a day (average). I’m not doing one on Sunday, so one day of the week, I’m trying to do 2 so I can still finish 7 in a week. These are in my living room - where our piano used to stand. We took our piano over to the church because the one at church was stolen when 3 quilts and some other things were taken back in July.
I am doing one big one a day - quilting, that is. I’m not ready to show them individually yet, though. That will come in time.
This stack might make you smile. :) It is a pile of 30 “big ones” that are quilted but not yet trimmed and bound. The one on top hasn’t been quilted yet - it is just sandwiched.
I am making myself do these because the default charity quilt is a small one - about 60”x80”. While I do tend to give away a LOT of the single sizes, because I have the large tops, I must finish them.
I had gotten very far behind on the tops that Fran sent, so I am working on correcting that problem - as you can see. Each of these is about 90”x100” because I added borders to them to make them a really nice queen quilt.
I am making some headway on this cabinet. This used to be full - both the bottom and the top. The top had small tops in it and the bottom has the large ones. This cabinet is at the church building.
Oh, I promised a picture of the tubs that the quilts are sitting on. Here they are. Some are full - others are less full. The tubs serve a dual purpose of holding tops and keeping the finished quilts off the floor.
They pretty much hold a lot of the Big Fabric Haul quilt tops and some of the ones that Fran sent that we’ve added borders to. I do want to finish the Big Fabric Haul ones, but since they are very brown, I also don’t want to do them all at once as I need color and balance! I want to have a nice colorful display when people come and choose - not just have browns. How depressing - especially if the day is a gloomy one when we choose to have the give-away - hopefully October. And yes, I say that even though I’ve learned to like brown since I’ve started quilting. I still don’t want to only have brown quilts - even though I know a whole lot of ladies here in Poland adore this color!
The Marks-a-Lot marker had fallen on the floor in an obscure place. 135 quilts in this room now.
The good thing about doing all this today - I found the magic marker that had gotten knocked on the floor during the burglary. :)
I did actually grab a few more tops to work on from these tubs that looked like children’s quilts as my ratios are now kind of out of balance as to children’s and adult quilts. Once I add the 52 BIG ones - doubles/queens - it will be seriously OUT of kilter. It’s okay, though. It is what it is.
I had originally tried to keep track of the number of tops in this room, but then I gave up. I was bringing them in and then taking them back out at warp speed and just lost track and figured it wasn’t really worth my time counting.
While I was there, I went ahead and reworked the piles again, including refolding the big ones. I will be adding to the pile of big ones which are currently on the bottom of one of the piles, so I needed to do that.
Here is the current “up to date” picture of where I am on the quilts finished, photographed and taken to church.
There are now only 3 piles. The two piles that you look at straight on are what I deem to be more adult or teen themed, and the pile on the right is made of quilts which are more children/tween or possibly young teen theme.
By doing this, you can see now I have plenty of room on top of the purple tub on the right. The piles are now about as high as I can reach without finding a chair to stand on. In case you are wondering, the most I’ve ever had all ready at once is about 155, I believe.
I separated out and refolded the big ones - as you can see. I will need a whole lot of room for those big ones you see that are unfinished above as they do take a lot of space. I’m almost ready to start working on binding and washing them. I’m just not wanting to take the focus off of the quilting part yet.
Have a great day wherever you are reading this!
Thanks for coming along with me on my quilting/sewing journey!
Oh…and a huge “Thanks!” if you have been part of this endeavor. I appreciate you and so do a whole lot of people in our area of Poland!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Here’s one of the beauties we have!