What's Next for Me and MY quilting?

I already know what I want to do.

First of all, I do want to finish up the charity quilting for the year - but in this case, I don’t mind dragging it out to 10 a month so I don’t have to do a bunch the last quarter of the year. I’m currently working on May’s charity quilts - only have 3 left to quilt. I’ll get back on it.

THEN, I really want to finish up all my UP Greens quilts. I’m done with the tops, but want to get back to quilting. I’ve had a long enough break now that I’m actually ready to get back psychologically to quilting.

AND then, I’m not ready to get back to a series of upcycleds again - instead I want to make at least 10 - 2.5” strips quilts by the end of the year. I have bags and bags of 2.5” strips and I’ve worked hard to cut those strips and hope to use up some of them!!!

So…that is what is brewing in my head right now. I’m internally getting ready to get back to some sewing. I’ve been ‘not sewing’ for a while now. However, I’m getting a quilt fix.

Let me show you one I unpacked today.

Seriously - it’s stunning. Gorgeous. I’m actually shocked anyone would donate this beauty. It’s got amazing quilting, complicated piecing, and an interesting design! Take a look.

I looked all over for a label to see who made this beauty. I can’t find one. I am sure the person put it in a show or at least used it as a wall decoration as there is a hanging sleeve on it.

Anyway, let me show you.

Obviously the best thing to do would be to take this to my line outside and get some really nice photos. But I am not doing that for these quilts. So, just accept what I’ve got.

Here are some more close ups.

Thank you once again for coming along with me on this journey!

At least today’s blog shows a quilt! If this one is yours, feel free to identify yourself - I seriously love it. I will try to direct it to someone who will love it as much as I do, and as much as I’m sure you did! I’ve decided to let it decorate some boxes in my living room for a day or so. :)

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!