So far - 12 Boxes Have Arrived!
Note - the Quilts for Ukraine effort by Rachael and crew (if you want HER to ship the quilts) ends April 30. Please send packages ASAP. We have to wrap up the FL side so they can get them to me here in Poland. Obviously if you want to ship packages directly to me, you may do that.
Yesterday we got 6 boxes! Let me show you!
As of this writing, I’ve only been able to dig into 4 of those 6 -meaning that 2 are yet unopened.
I’m going through them first because I need to take inventory. I’m opening the shrink bags and deciding how many quilts, baby quilts, pillowcases, fleece/microfiber and other various things. I’m keeping track so when it is all said and done, we will be able to see at a glance what all we got.
But here’s how that delivery went.
We knew they were coming as they told us. We waited around - I even went to the church between 11 and 12 since that is when they came before. But, it wasn’t until my husband took his first big bite of his soft taco sitting at our table (just after 1 pm) when his phone rang. Yes, it was FedEx with 6 boxes. We told him we could be there in 10 min. He said, “Fifteen minutes - I’ll be back.” So, both of us went, so we could put them in the van and the truck. We actually thought only 2 fit in the truck, but we got 3 in the back of each one. Yesterday we unloaded the three from the minivan (my vehicle) and left the three in the back of the truck. This morning my husband was feeling so much better, he wanted to go move out the boxes - but I asked him please to take it easy - he would make things worse again (he is actually feeling a little better today).
Here are the pictures.
After the guy was griping about how heavy they were, I didn’t want to stick the camera in his face, so this is after three boxes were already in the truck.
Then, we put the next three in the minivan. I use “we” rather figuratively as all I did was watch.
I was so excited I could barely stand it!
From the side - but we did get all three in the back of the van with the seats down.
Once we brought all three in the porch area of our house (inside)…I could begin to check out what we have.
As of this writing, I’ve gotten 4 of the 6 opened and inventoried. Friday afternoon I’ll have some help getting these things into vinyl cases.
I moved some of the ones I’d already finished to the church’s garage - waiting on the pickup from the group that was supposed to be here on Thursday (the day I’m writing this) but didn’t come. I’m hoping to send about 30 of these quilts with them.
But let me show you something I saw on the top of one of these boxes.
Aren’t they cute?
Do you think someone made them? I’m sure we’ll slip them in the vinyl cases with some little girl quilts. I thought they are adorable!
I’ll be sure to get some photos of the ladies who help me pack up a bunch of vinyl packages. We’ll probably do as many pillows as we have. This is where I was when I started today unpacking four boxes. What I’ve done so far is this - after taking inventory, I’m taking the regular quilts (not baby) and putting a pillowcase with it and then stacking them in a pile under the bar area until I decide to get the cases out and put them in them - at that point putting the case on the pillow and making up the set.
This was earlier today. At the moment I have two rows deep and 4 piles across under the bar. So…lots of quilts are waiting to be packaged up. I think I can do it now sort of assembly line style with three or four people. I’ll let you know how it goes.
What is going to be a milestone for me is when I get to get back in my sewing room and create again. I can’t wait. I’m almost at that point - and I’ll be sure to let you know!
I had to move these on out - because there was almost no room in my living room to move.
There you are - today’s update! The people who were supposed to come and get stuff didn’t. The garage is still full - in fact, more full than before. Maybe tomorrow!
Thanks so much for coming along with me!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Here’s one of the beauties we have!