Update on Mike
Well, this will be quick.
On Monday at my husband’s appointment, he found out that the doctor wasn’t a doctor - he is a physical therapist. Which wasn’t all bad, but he had no authority to prescribe anything to help with the pain. He did work on his back and told Mike that something is bulging when it should curve in. He massaged it well and and told Mike what pain med he would recommend, but since he couldn’t prescribe it, that is just a name on a piece of paper.
So, while that was helpful, maybe, it wasn’t really what we were looking for.
So, on Tuesday I asked my husband to please go to to the hospital here locally - about 12 miles away. I went with him just to encourage him to actually go.
We were there about 3 hours - so I’m glad we were able to do all that. He actually first saw a general doctor, but when told what was the problem, the doc asked him, “So why are you here?”
My husband said, “I don’t know - this is where they sent me.” The doctor then told him he needed to go see an orthopedic doc.
At that point he back to reception and told the lady, and she sent him across the hospital to where the more specialized doctors are.
Eventually he saw a doc, had an xray done and then went back to the doctor. The doctor didn’t say for sure what he saw, but did prescribe him something for pain (non addicting), a muscle relaxer, and some vitamins. Mike said he thinks he has a pinched nerve.
It is still bothering him though. In a few days if something hasn’t gotten better, we may still go somewhere else. He said his toes on that one leg are tingling like it they are asleep and that is bothering him.
Anyway…so much for that. It’s not pleasant and it is difficult to know that he is in this much pain. My husband is a noncomplainer when it comes to being sick, so I take it seriously when he hurts.
The pain medicine has helped a bit - but not completely. The doc also told him to try to keep off his feet as much as possible - which is what he has been doing anyway as it is the most comfortable position, but he can only lie down so much.
Are you curious as to cost? Let me share
For the physical therapist on Monday - 180 PLN or $40 for about an hour. Cash. No receipt. Money goes in a drawer. Thank you.
For the hospital - a doctor’s visit - 420 PLN - right at $100 - they did not double charge us even though he actually talked with two doctors.
Xrays - $27.
Medicine - three different ones - about 140 PLN or $31.40.
However, I would like to say that so far Mike doesn’t feel like he’s gotten the answers he needs. So…
We got 6 more boxes today! So…We are rejoicing! This means so far we’ve received 12! Yeah!
I haven’t opened all of those 12 yet, though. So far I’ve only opened the first 6. As I open them, I’m taking inventory of quilts, baby quilts, fleece/microfiber, blankets, pillowcases, other including afghans and other such things! Rachael really wants to know when it is all said and done, how many of everything you all sent!
I’ll show more of that at a different time!
Have a great day - thanks so much for coming along!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Here’s one of the beauties we have!
This panel is called Moose in Waterfall! Only $12. Call of the Wild series