"Long-Arm Room Reno" - Day 4 - Electrical/Drywall Mud
This is how it looked at the beginning of the day.
Today things were moving right along.
My husband worked on putting the electric boxes (? not sure what they are called - the plastic things) in their proper spots and also cutting holes for the light fixtures that are going up on the ceiling. When he said he was willing to do all those round ones, I’m not sure he realized how much work it was going to be.
First round of mudding.
I’m asking for a USB direct to the wall outlet and Mike is planning that here.
But he finished cutting those holes by 1 pm and Artur had mostly finished the mudding! Well, he was working on the ceiling.
Mike ran out to get some more something and the paint for the walls - he knows what color I want. Artur went back to work on mudding the ceiling drywall and the corners around the duct work drywall. Once again - so glad someone else is doing it. It helps to actually do it a lot - not only are you fast, you are good at it. it’s definitely a learned skill!
Artur kept working on the drywall and by the end of the day - this is what it looked like. I think he went and did a second round on some of it.
So, it’s looking pretty bare, but at the same time, I’m delighted!
where the two light switches go
where the USB outlet will be (I think)
Hopefully tomorrow, more drywall and maybe tile!
And thanks for coming on my quilting journey with me!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Here’s one of the beauties we have!