"Long-Arm Room Reno" - Day 5 - Tile!
Well, the day has come - for tile!
But wait a sec. Before they started on tile, Artur worked on the drywall on the ceiling some more.
However, that’s not really all that interesting and not really easy to see any difference with photos, is it?
About 11 am I heard the men starting to play with the tile, laying it out on the floor in the living room, trying to decide how it would work, so I left my sewing and wandered downstairs to see what was going on. First we had to completely take apart all the boxes and see for sure how many DIFFERENT tiles we had.
The answer was 3. However, at least one of the boxes of 3 tiles had 2 the same and one other one. In the end, it all worked out, however. We ended up with 15 of each tile.
Then, they kind of got started before we went to lunch. We had McD’s. (Mike and I) We brought Artur back some food from McD’s and Mike saw a mistake that he had started to make. Then, they fixed it, and I left them to their thing and went back to my sewing machine. Hopefully you’ll see what I’ve been working on before too long.
Anyway…here’s progress.
And then finally by the end of the day - this is where we are.
The men sketching potential layouts for the tile.
The tiles are going to be laid out like this - with the big ones in the middle of the room and around the edges will be small pieces - like a border.
The tiles are large and as such wouldn’t fit a perfect number of them - some were going to have to be cut off. This was my husband’s idea.
It is all something I’m not overly concerned about - as there will be a frame and machine in here - no one is going to stand around admiring the tile! Well, maybe they will. LOL
Mike said he also worked a bit on some more of the outlets.
At the end of the day it looked like this - We will wait and take out those tile spacers after 24 hours.
We will have a little break for the weekend now and get back to this early next week. I know you will be seeing this on the blog about the time the guy is coming back again because there is a lag time between when we did this and when it is on the blog (for obvious reasons)!
So…things are looking better. Hopefully just 2 or 3 more days - one day to finish tile and sand mud. One day to paint and a third day as a make-up day (that ‘third day’ is my addition - my husband says 2 days). :) I guess we’ll see. I’ll certainly let you know.
Thank you for coming along with me on this journey. I am so very excited to get this project done! I’m ready to move forward now that I’m seeing how this is coming along! I’m starting to visualize the possibility of a long-arm as a reality now. Before it wasn’t - it was all just an idea!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Here’s one of the beauties we have!