Week in Review - Ukraine Efforts
We had an interesting week - because my son and his wife came in this week and Lydia came back from visiting her friend in western Poland.
So, we got busy and put together some vinyl packs The biggest problem this week is that it has been HOT - HOT and it is hard to do much of anything.
But this is what we did -
Monday -
Anna from a town a ways away asked for some more packs for Ukrainians. I told her life was going to get busy but if we went that evening, she could come and take them. So she did come and got some more for Ukrainians in her area.
Also I gave a suitcase to a Ukrainian family who is returning on Tuesday. The lady who came is person who asked on the Facebook group for a suitcase.
Tuesday -
Our son and his wife, arrived from the states in the morning. They were quite tired naturally as they missed a night’s sleep.
The rest of the day was spent showing them around
And packing up baby quilts. And it was getting hot! :)
Don’t you love all the stuff behind Claire? The piles of blankets and prepared boxes - I left it in the photo on purpose - maybe you can get an idea of what a mess it was!
Wednesday -
Lydia, Claire and I worked hard on bundles and did quite a few. But then we stopped. Each day has been getting warmer and warmer this week - and it’s affecting what we can do as the house is getting very warm. Touching the blankets is not a nice thing in 90-100F weather.
While Lydia and I took some vinyl packs to the church, Claire sorted blankets in the living room so we could see better what I have and what I need to order for the next push.
We filled up the room completely.. Lydia stood on a ladder and took a photo from above. Here’s her artistic shot. There is only enough room now to open and shut the door.
Thursday -
Mike is planning on going on a trip to Ukraine next week - the first in a month. He will take Tim and Claire and Lydia with him to Lutsk, so we started shopping. The weather was quite hot as well.
Here are some photos of shopping.
It also seems like each day we get boxes of pillows and blankets that I’ve ordered. The shots for that is about the same as you’ve seen before. At this point, it all feels like “more of the same” and the “photos feel like they are all similar”.
Friday -
Did some shopping for next week’s Ukraine trip and then just worked at staying cool for the rest of the day. I watered my plants 2x.
By the time we had finished the second shopping day, the garage looked like this. We’ll go again on Monday am. Then I’ve put in an order at the wholesale place and they will deliver in time for us to load up the truck and trailer on Monday early afternoon. I’m hoping that goes smoothly - if it does, it may be how I ‘shop’ in the future. The wholesale place is only about about 6 streets away from the church.
In the evening, I went through 3 more of the boxes of quilts from FL and sorted them into regular quilts and baby quilts and got them ready to match up with pillowcases.
Lydia wanted to sort the pillowcases further so we could better match quilts to themed pillowcases.
Saturday -
We put together all of the quilts into vinyl bags that had come from the three boxes that I went through on Friday. (The weather had cooled a lot overnight, making it bearable to work with these things.) Lydia matched up quilts to pillowcases, Claire got us the blankets and we (Lydia or I depending on who needed to do what) filled vinyl cases as fast as we could!
This involved a couple of trips to the church to put quilts in there. I don’t get photos each time because it seems silly to show the same pictures again and again. (Also… sometimes I forget!)
We ended up overflowing into a different room in the church building.
On the second trip on Sat, Tim helped me.
These photos show the progress by the end of Saturday. Also the van was full and ready to take in on Sunday.
41 packages
84 packages
Sunday - we unloaded after church was over but I completely forgot to take photos. Sorry about that.
But I think you get the gist.
It’s a good thing my husband is going again to Ukraine on Tuesday.
It’s been a pretty busy week - at least as busy as I could handle with the heat. The almost 100F temps really sapped my energy.
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