The Garden Begins
Last year I didn’t get to plant a garden of any kind. I was in Florida taking care of mom who had gotten COVID and had a long recovery - because it is hard for an 89 year old to recover from such a thing.
So, this year I’m planting. I planted some yesterday - and hope to plant more tomorrow - the day you read this.
What am I planting?
Corn, pumpkins - several kinds, zucchini, sunflowers, sugar peas.
Not very much. Well, not really a WHOLE lot, but enough.
Two years ago I tried to plant in May but things didn’t come up, so I decided this year to wait til June and hopefully the ground will be warmer and things come up better.
So, in my effort to “get my life back” - I’m fighting to find time to do these kinds of things. And while I admit to not enjoying the actual planting part, the produce is worth it!
My sis thinks that there aren’t a lot of quilters who are gardeners. Let’s show her she is wrong!
Let me know in the comments, either here on the Facebook group if you like to garden - either flowers or veggies! We need to stick together! :)
Actually I’m at the place in my life that I prefer quilting now to gardening - but honestly, home grown corn and fresh sugar peas and being able to bring in beautiful sunflowers in the fall or have lots of pumpkins decorate the yard - it’s worth it! :)
Plus, I admit to liking giving a lot of it away. That’s why I like to grow zucchini. I will eat a few - but mostly I give them away to people who love them.
I brought this set to Poland with me - and I am working on coming up with a design for it.
But isn’t it amazing? Those of us who like gardens - or if you have family or friends who love it - they would love something made with this bundle pack.
I think it is so cool! It is by Blank Quilting - and she still has some of these bundles - for only $36 - includes a panel and 6 pieces of coordinating fabric!
I know - this post didn’t actually start out to be an advertisement for a bundle - but to me this bundle is one of the best things I’ve seen in a long time.
Oh yes - those of you who love INDOOR plants - she’s got this fantastic panel. We heard that during COVID many of the 20 and 30something set took up indoor plants.
It’s wonderful! It’s called You Grow Girl - by Blank Quilting. This amazing panel is only $13 - and there are plenty of coordinating fabrics that you can buy to go with it.
So here’s my question for you.
Do you like to garden? If so - what are your favorite things to grow?
Let me know in the comments!
Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Feel free to browse the site.