The Garden Begins

Last year I didn’t get to plant a garden of any kind. I was in Florida taking care of mom who had gotten COVID and had a long recovery - because it is hard for an 89 year old to recover from such a thing.

So, this year I’m planting. I planted some yesterday - and hope to plant more tomorrow - the day you read this.

What am I planting?

Corn, pumpkins - several kinds, zucchini, sunflowers, sugar peas.

Not very much. Well, not really a WHOLE lot, but enough.

Two years ago I tried to plant in May but things didn’t come up, so I decided this year to wait til June and hopefully the ground will be warmer and things come up better.

So, in my effort to “get my life back” - I’m fighting to find time to do these kinds of things. And while I admit to not enjoying the actual planting part, the produce is worth it!

My sis thinks that there aren’t a lot of quilters who are gardeners. Let’s show her she is wrong!

Let me know in the comments, either here on the Facebook group if you like to garden - either flowers or veggies! We need to stick together! :)

Actually I’m at the place in my life that I prefer quilting now to gardening - but honestly, home grown corn and fresh sugar peas and being able to bring in beautiful sunflowers in the fall or have lots of pumpkins decorate the yard - it’s worth it! :)

Plus, I admit to liking giving a lot of it away. That’s why I like to grow zucchini. I will eat a few - but mostly I give them away to people who love them.

I brought this set to Poland with me - and I am working on coming up with a design for it.

But isn’t it amazing? Those of us who like gardens - or if you have family or friends who love it - they would love something made with this bundle pack.

I think it is so cool! It is by Blank Quilting - and she still has some of these bundles - for only $36 - includes a panel and 6 pieces of coordinating fabric!

I know - this post didn’t actually start out to be an advertisement for a bundle - but to me this bundle is one of the best things I’ve seen in a long time.

Oh yes - those of you who love INDOOR plants - she’s got this fantastic panel. We heard that during COVID many of the 20 and 30something set took up indoor plants.

It’s wonderful! It’s called You Grow Girl - by Blank Quilting. This amazing panel is only $13 - and there are plenty of coordinating fabrics that you can buy to go with it.

So here’s my question for you.
Do you like to garden? If so - what are your favorite things to grow?

Let me know in the comments!

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!