Garden Update
The weather has turned warm. Quite warm. Pumpkins and zucchini love it. Peas not so much.
These will be put in the garden tomorrow - but I was kind of hoping for those next leaves to pop out.
corn row - probably my best one - none are very long
I planted both just in case the weather didn’t know what to do this summer.
I have about 14 zucchini plants now. That’s probably enough to feed our town if they decide to really do well. :) Actually no. With my soil, I get about one or two a week from each plant. I’ll try to fertilize them well - so maybe I can do better this year. Anyway - it’s a lot over the course of the lifetime of the plants.
I also have a variety of pumpkin plants. I’ve put some in the garden a while ago now and some were transplanted a couple of days ago now. At least with the warm weather, some water and the right nutrients, they shouldn’t just “sit there”. I love, love, having pumpkins to pick in the fall.
Some of the corn might actually make it to “knee high by the fourth of July”. I guess it depends on whose knee!
This variety of corn is a dwarf variety, so I’m not expecting them to become tall. The one year I had nice tall corn, it was FIELD corn even though I bought sweet corn seed! (UGH)
My row of sunflowers is starting to really grow. I expect the next couple of weeks is going to be amazing growth for them. I will need to spend a little bit of time in the garden attacking weeds. Which is okay. I need to get out of the house.
My corn. As hard as I tried to not let it be spotty - as I planted the seeds a bit close - they still germinated irregularly. I’m sure the problem is how I did it or how I watered. But for me it’s always a mystery how to get it to come up well. I have two corn beds. One has four rows and one has 3 rows. I’ll let the pumpkins weave their vines among the corn as the corn grows tall.
My row of sunflowers is starting to really grow. I expect the next couple of weeks is going to be amazing growth for them. I will need to spend a little bit of time in the garden attacking weeds. Which is okay. I need to get out of the house. I don’t do this for any reason other than they are pretty. I have one reasonably long row. They are doing fine.
I planted fancy sunflowers. They are doing pretty well.
This one is doing well - pumpkin plant - it’s been in the garden for over two weeks already
Gardening is fascinating.
It is one of those things that, once you get everything started, just goes by itself. Including the weeds.
Unlike quilting.
Sugar peas - they may just burn out - as it is now predicted to be quite warm in the next couple of weeks - they love cool weather. I did plant them under the oak tree, though - it’s cooler there. :) I mean, who has a big tree in their garden? I do.
I transplanted about 12 zucchini and more than 20 pumpkin plants today. I hope they make it. I’ll baby them big time the next week.
If I put those cut squares in my room, pinned together and then leave them, they don’t sew themselves together. Next time I come in the room they will look just like I left them.
However, gardening - no. Not at all. As such it is pretty exciting to work with a garden. If I leave for a few days and then go back to check out everything - assuming there is rain every 2-3 days - I can go back and see quite a difference in the plants.
I don’t need to garden - but it does get me outside. I also like the rewards - the corn in the summer and the pumpkins in the fall - makes it worth it!
Thanks so much for reading and sharing my life!
And if you love using your hands in the dirt - and love plant fabric, well, we have plenty in the store.
Have a great day wherever you are reading!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Feel free to browse the site. Here’s a bundle called Backyard Happenings - by Henry Glass.