Quilted Twins is Joining the Shop Hop Craze
Get ready for March-April 2023!
I’ve never done a Shop Hop before. In fact, the first time someone asked me if we were participating in area ones I simply shrugged and said, “I guess not.” I had not heard of it, nor had I been contacted, nor did I even know enough to know that I was supposed to find out about it myself and get myself into the system.
But this time, armed with information, and the knowledge that the two ladies who spearhead the national Iowa Shop Hop and the other State Shop Hops, I decided to dive in with both feet.
So, get ready and remember that we here at Quilted Twin will be participating this coming year in the FIRST EVER ALL-FLORIDA SHOP HOP!!
With over 12,000 bolts of fabric in our store, and packing more in weekly, we’re thrilled to participate in this program next year.
The biggest problem with all of this, as you all know, is that they expect us to plan our lives 8 to 12 months down the road. Most of us can’t plan 12 hours down the road, because we’re not sure what new disease will hit us or our loved ones. But we’ll do our best and keep everyone posted here as things develop.
But what this amounts to is a whole lot of fun for the customers. And we get to sit back and welcome you all as you hop around the State with a Passport, which you hopefully will purchase from us here at Quilted Twins. I’ll start pre-sales on the magazines which contain your passports as soon as it’s reasonably permitted.
Our state will be divided into regions of participating stores. The point is for each of the HOPPERS (that’s you, the customers), to HOP around from shop to shop throughout your region.
When you come into the store and present your passport (a fancy, full colored magazine filled with beautiful ads), then we give you a free quilt square with our name and a fun saying on it. I believe the point is to collect as many as you can and then you can sew them into pillows or quilts or whatever you want when finished. You will try to fill up your passport and then you can be entered into a large contest. We’ll also be doing giveaways in the store.
The stores will also have some exclusive Florida Fabrics. This 2023 Shop Hop fabrics have already been designed and shown to us by Quilting Treasures. Of course, we’re partial to them, because of their initials, QT Fabrics! It makes it sound like are a branch of us. Of course they are not, but it’s still fun to dream, isn’t it?
This Florida panel is amazing. You can be sure we’ll get LOTS of these since since panels are our specialty!
Anyway, these are some of the fun fabrics which we will be carrying next year during that awesome time period. I’ll make sure I get enough so that I can sell some to those of you who don’t live here, too. I know a lot of you have visited Florida and would love to have some of these cool fabrics for your future quilts.
If you’re on Facebook, ShopHop, Inc has a page where they are using to encourage sharing and giving away. You can join that page HERE. It is NOT just for retailers. In fact, it’s for anyone in Florida who might want to join it. I’ll keep you posted if they give us a regular webpage, not just a FB page. So far I’ve seen several giveaways and there’s only about 450 members, so your chances are super to win something even now if you join soon! You’ll get in on more goodies. And I get nuttin! It’s just fun to see if one of our customers wins something!
This Facebook page is begging your attention to join it for prizes galore!
I’m not sure of all of the rest of the goodies that we’ll be giving away or that you win, but I do know there’s a lot of great things for you down the road with this Shop hop.
Just be aware that Quilted Twins is going to participate in March/April of 2023.
I’ll let you know as soon as possible when you can pre-order your amazing Florida Passport! We’d love it if you’d order it from us!
They will be valid during March -April of 2023, so it’s a ways away, but I did want to update you as people have already started asking me while in the store.
Thanks, Rachael - for the update. I didn’t know anything about what Shop Hop even was, so I learned something as well. :) I know - those of you experienced Shop Hoppers can just smile at our ignorance. Truly - we are really on the outside of all the “quilt things” - we just love to fabric and love to sew/quilt.
Thanks so much for joining today. Rachael will keep you all posted when things become available. It’s a ways away, but she wanted you all to be ‘aware’ that this is in the works. —Becky
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