Cultural: 28 Things I’ve Learned in the last 28 Years

This week we celebrated 28 years in Poland. Wow.

My life. It’s gone so fast.

I thought it would be a good time to share 28 Things I’ve Learned in the last 28 Years!

In no particular order!

  1. I like beet soup (borscht). (I had hated hot beets which I had tried in college.)

  2. Roundabouts are an efficient way to move traffic through an intersection.

  3. It’s harder for parents to say good bye to their kids than for kids to their parents.

  4. Even if you come to a new country with no expectations, you probably did have some.

  5. Good customer service cannot be assumed the world over.

  6. History is everywhere in Poland—museums, statues, graveyards, random signs and murals.

  7. A monolithic culture is great if you are part of the ‘mono’ part - but not as easy if you aren’t. Being different in a culture means that every part of your life will be examined and critiqued in detail by those around you.

  8. Quilting is a a great way to be creative while making something useful.

  9. Learning a language requires humility - and the ability to ignore yourself.

  10. Driving a stick shift isn’t really all that hard.

  11. Normal to one is absolutely ‘not normal’ to another - relating to cars, family life, attitudes, values

  12. Growing pumpkins is great fun - combines a rapidly growing plant with a decorative and yet tasty product.

  13. One person or family does not determine what is normal in a new country/culture.

  14. You are going to be influenced by the culture around you - at least a little.

  15. Alarms on a car are a good thing - even if it is sad that they are needed.

  16. I like self-checkouts.

  17. Expect misunderstandings when dealing with people from other cultures/languages - buckets of grace are needed on both sides.

  18. Living in the same house for 26 years is a recipe for having too much stuff. The struggle is real.

  19. I don’t like to parallel park - am not good at it. I used to be able to do it - but kind of have forgotten how so I search for other options when given a choice.

  20. I am not particularly indecisive.

  21. I enjoy the solitude of quilting alone. (28 years ago I would not have believed that - combined with the idea that I didn’t think I would even like quilting back then.)

  22. It is easier to get comfortable in a house that it is too cold than in a house that is too hot.

  23. Growing old isn’t for the weak. Consider the alternative.

  24. Boots are wonderful and boots lined with fleece/sheepskin are even better.

  25. Being a caregiver is probably harder (at least emotionally) than being the sick.

  26. Flying isn’t fun anymore.

  27. Some people don’t have any hobbies; they actually run out of things to do.

  28. One can live without an electric clothes dryer.

These are things I’ve learned since arriving in Poland! They may not be exactly life-shattering - but as I remember how I was back as a young 32 year old - many things in life I had not yet experienced. They are not necessarily related to living in Poland - but to living my life.

Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Thanks for coming along on my journey!

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