8 More Charity Quilt Tops Ready to go!
I was able to get together some more Charity Quilt tops.
The ones that are random were made up of squares from tops that Ewa brought me. When she handed them to me she she told me that some of them were wonky but she was confident that I could figure out how to use them. SO, I did. I cut them into 10.5” squares. Then I sewed these squares into a 6x8 layout. This makes a 60”x80” quilt. Along with that, while recently going through some of my own scraps uncovered, I found some random quilt blocks. If they were 10.5” blocks, then that is great - I used them like they were. If not, I trimmed some right down to 10.5” - if they were larger than that. I then am using them randomly in these tops - just to spice things up a bit.
Here they are. Just click on the arrows to go to the next one or they will advance by itself if you just wait.

While I truly appreciate any quilt top you all give me, when I make them, I do have some easy to make designs - quick and yet interesting. Here are several of them. I also always use the “add borders around a center panel” idea. That works.
The last one I showed here is one I want to try to do - haven’t done it yet. But it’s on my bucket list. Super simple, but I am hoping effective.

There you are. I’m trying to work on quilting daily. Some days are still overtaken with Ukraine efforts - and some aren’t. I’m trying to get back into working on quilting at LEAST an hour a day while my heart wants to just sit and sew! Some days I can. Some days I can’t.
I was tickled to get as many of these crazy tops done - using squares. I will probably quilt them with straight lines in one direction. It will be easy and kind of modern looking - and add to the structure of the quilt itself- keeping it together better since some of the blocks have an awful lot of pieces in them.
Thanks again for coming along with me. Have a great day wherever you are reading!
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