It's Here!

So today (Tuesday) the guy came to put together the frame and long-arm.

Let me back up.

On Monday morning about 8 I got a phone call from the courier, and he asked if there would be a way to get to our house from 10-11. I said, “Yes!”

It was delivered on Monday at about 10:10 am.

Here are pictures from that.

Then, my husband and I brought the pieces to the basement to the Long Arm room. We waited for information on when they would come and put it together but there was nothing until Monday evening at about 6:30.

However, I didn’t see the text - and instead on Tuesday I wrote an email asking about when he would come.

In the end, the guy came on Tuesday at about 1 pm and began to put it all together. By about 7:30 pm he was leaving. My husband, Mike helped him.

By this time, the frame was up the machine was on and he had showed me basically how to roll a quilt on the rolls.

I have no canvas leaders - will have to fix that. The machine also had no needle. I did bring down a needle from my other Juki and it works - sorta. I will get some needles in the morning or at least tomorrow.

We are loading another trailer tomorrow for Ukraine, so there won’t be a lot of time to play.

Right now I feel very new. We didn’t get the robotics on the tablet as we just ordered one - and it will be here soon - maybe Wed. The whole robotics part, however, is hooked up to the frame.

But I’ve got a little bit to learn how to use this first without the robotics - so I need to figure out how to properly load a quilt and get comfortable with actually using the machine. Thankfully now there are more You Tube Videos on it.

With the wrong size needle it, we kept shredding the thread. So I decided not to frustrate myself and worry about it. I’m working on a different project upstairs and wanted to get back to that as well.

Here are some pictures from today.

The original quilting isn’t pretty and I am probably ruining a charity quilt top as I can’t really use it. It’s simply not on the machine properly. But at least I can pretend. Hopefully tomorrow we’ll see some big progress. I’ve got to learn how to put a quilt on the frame! :)

And there you go. Step 1. Get the frame and machine and set up. Check!


Thanks again for coming along with me on this journey!

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