Thanks Again! Photos from Ukraine

We are still sending this to Ukraine and getting information back from people in Ukraine about things they are getting.

I’m trying to pass the photos back on to you so you can enjoy them as well. I know if YOU gave a quilt and then got to see it in use in Ukraine, I think it’d be great.

I try to especially show the photos with quilts, but sometimes the photos with food are nice as well simply because some of the money is going to providing food and things like flashlights and candles, etc.


There are some really nice photos here and I hope that at least those of you who donated either quilts, money, or encouragement to this project, that you will take a minute to look at them.

I sometimes get the thanks - and I’m trying to share these with you all!

Have a wonderful day wherever you are reading!

Thanks for coming along with me on my journey!

Feel free to browse the site.

Becky Petersen2 Comments