
I don’t think I expected to have everything go easy when buying a machine in a country where Long Arm Quilting is not common.

So let me just run by a couple of issues I’ve had in getting started.

  1. I’m having a problem getting the software registered on the machine. With the robotics that came with the setup came a program - but I’m going to have to work hard to get it registered and get that set up.

    However, I do believe I have to learn to use the machine without it before I commit to learning the robotics. I want both. So, this is a problem I’m facing. I’ll have to contact probably both the company I bought it from and the original software company. That’s what I’m working on.

2. The machine didn’t come with a set of needles - or even one. I pulled from one of the needles from my other Juki. It fit, but not tightly and was causing a lot of thread breaks. My husband went to our local findings store and bought this pack of 10 needles for me so I can try this.

This is probably the easiest problem to try to overcome.

3. The machine didn’t come with any leaders - and I’m going to have to come up with those before I can properly connect my quilt to the machine. I do have a sample on there now but it’s not really proper -

I can’t learn to actually properly setting it up til I make some leaders. I was a little bit bummed because the people who we bought the set from for sure don’t need theirs anymore and I was hoping they would just come with the machine. I mean, if you are selling your long arm because you aren’t going to do it anymore, what good is a set of leaders?


So today I went to the store and found this fabric and I think, following all the instructions I have seen on the internet, I can make some leaders - at least good enough to use at the beginning so I can learn what is going on!

Facing these little bumps in the road are more or less what I should have expected. It’s up to me to figure out the rest. I’m so grateful I have the internet to help me!

It’s okay.

It’s forcing me to learn more about this machine…but I have to find some long pieces of canvas type fabric. Interesting. I’ll try to find a shop with some heavy duty canvas type fabric around here. Easier said than done. I can make them - I don’t think it’s a huge deal.

I’ll tackle each problem one by one.

I had some piecing I was doing this morning first thing and I really wanted to finish up the blocks for this new quilt top. I am in the mood to do some quilting that is “pretty” - colors that appeal to me. So, that’s what I’m doing for at least a couple of tops. Pretty - soft - my colors! I’ll probably be ready to go right back into fall colors after that!

I hope I can get everything all figured out within a week and be ready to start my quilting! I did put the proper needle in and had some better moments but I still kept breaking the thread and/or skipping some stitches, so I need to research that.

Anyway…this is my little update. The machine is now set up (YEAH!) and now it’s on me to learn it. I’m still a little intimidated, but I will tackle this problem like I attempt to do my other ‘big problems/projects’ - at least a little every day. Unlike someone like Leah Day, who seems to actually love working with the actual machine, I’m a person who just wants to use it - :) (the same with my computer or my phone).

Thanks so much for coming along with me.

Have a great day wherever you are reading!

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