Need Some Help - Advice, please?

I made this quilt a while ago now. It’s called Sheet of Stamps.

This pattern is on point and called for me to cut off some blocks which became side setting triangles.

Recently as I’ve been going through all kinds of scraps and bags of this and that, I came across these.

There are 20 of them and they are amazing! I saved them because they were a lot of work to put together and I didn’t want to just throw themout. Now I want to use them.

Because they are cut across the middle they will actually be a tad bit shy across the middle row.

I’ve come up with these ideas.

Some are horizontal layouts - some are on point. Which do you want me to make with these pieces? If you want me to try something completely different please suggest it as well.

I will be surprised if there is any sort of consensus, but I’d sure love your input anyway. Thank you so much!

Once again - thanks for coming along with me on my journey with me.

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Becky Petersen48 Comments