Weekly Review of Ukraine Efforts

While my husband was in Central Asia, I was determined to try not to spend a lot of time away from the house. There were a couple of things that caused this, which I don’t need to go into. One of the reasons, was that I just wanted to do things here in the house - things that I put aside for literally months. As you can imagine, there have been a lot of things that were ignored for weeks and weeks.

Plus I have been feeling just on the border of being burned out. Let me show you.

I figure I’ve been about on stage 10 for a few weeks now. So, time to pull back, and spend time just rebuilding the things around me that I need to - and to feed my soul in so many ways.

Anyway…there I’m sharing with you more than I’ve done most.

This week I got a phone call from Oksana, a lady from Ukraine and she said she came and wondered if I had anything. I took a look around the house and there wasn’t much here that was ready to go. I did want to help, though, so I quickly thought of what would be easy for me to do - and yet help.

I told her I’d call in the morning. So.


I called her and told her to meet me at 11 am at the local wholesale place and I would pay for about $1200 worth of food (6000 PLN). However, I wanted Oksana to pick it out. I knew they would do the loading up - all I had to was pay for it.

So, we met at 11 and by 12:30 they were finished. Here are pictures of that load. I am not sure if she went somewhere to get more. but at 12:30 as they were still loading up, I told them goodbye and went on my way to take care of my own errands. Here are pictures of that.

The van was far from full, but I had decided that was enough from me/us. She could go and find more help from someone else. We did well for them.


I went to the school to get the thank you from the director. I didn’t take any photos of that trip. This is what I brought home. I got the thanks but you all did the work by making and donating the quilts.



After getting my husband from the airport, we made some tentative arrangements for someone to come and get a trailer load of quilts on Monday - a group who will distribute them further. We’ve had contact with this man for a couple of months now. Even making arrangements takes time and thought.

The two red lines means it’s a positive test for COVID.

And that’s all.

My husband arrived back from Central Asia - with COVID. So, we are really taking it easy now until he gets better. He is supposed to go to Ukraine in a couple of weeks so we’ll see. He must get better first. I’ve been jabbed a couple of times plus I have had it before, so hopefully I won’t get it again! We’ll see.

With what we spent this week at the wholesale place for Oksana’s group to Ukraine, we are almost finished with the money for 2022 for Ukraine from Quilted Twins. However, we still have a bit to spend sent to us from our churches. So…we will continue to help. We are getting more requests now from people we’ve gotten to know. We like that - as when you know the people who will do the distributing, there is a good bit of accountability.

And that’s it for now! Have a great day wherever you are! I expect things will pick up again with regards to Ukraine efforts soon. I’ve just needed a break in so many ways.

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