
I am so tickled with my upcoming pumpkins - it is difficult to explain. If you’ve ever grown pumpkins then you understand. Maybe it would be just as cheap to buy them - but maybe not. This way I’ve had the enjoyment of watching them grow. I hope to have the fun of harvesting and then giving them away or using them! I planted types this year that I’ve never planted before.

Anyway, I have only a few of what would be called typical orange pumpkins. So far.

These are kind a big. I didn’t realize I planted any that were going to be as big as these.

Then I have some small ones - I was late getting these planted, so not very many yet - Jack-be-Little. I had hoped for a lot of these, but so far I have just a couple. If I had had more seeds, I would have planted them sooner but Lydia brought over the seeds and I didn’t get them going til mid June. The seeds I bought here in Poland didn’t germinate well - not at all like the ones she brought. I planted 15 seeds and got one plant out of the ones I bought here. The ones she brought over - I got 5 out of 6 to germinate.

These are squatty and flat - they remind me of Cinderella’s carriage in the fairy tale. These seem to be particularly prolific. I’m very happy with them. I’m hoping they will be very flavorful. There are quite a few of them in the garden.

These are just different - and were on one of my first plants. They are a combination color and unlike anything I’ve grown before.

These are white - and small They are called Baby Boo.

These look like a big Turk’s Turbin - but I didn’t plant any of those but I looked for unusual pumpkins - or at least edible winter squash that looked like pumpkins.

Then there are some others - here are a couple of photos. I originally wanted warty ones like this. I think they are totally cool. Sadly this is the only one of these I have, I think. I had a hard time finding warty pumpkin seed.

Then, there are just some ‘others’. I really don’t know all I have. I’m just trying to keep it all watered. These look like they might be one of those that end up looking like a Turk’s Turban (but they aren’t).


Click on the arrows to move the photos along.


I am using the fence as much as possible as a trellis. I keep training the vines that are growing on the front along the roadway back into the fence. Last time the road guys came along with weed eaters and chopped back my vines that were growing along the roadside. SO…not going to let that happen again if I can help it.

This is along the back side of the garden area, I am letting them run into the grass. At least up til now, they’ve never weed eated (?? is that a word) over there. Watch them change this year. I have several growing outside the fence in this area. Of course, they are in danger of being stolen as well. We’ll see. This year I have so many pumpkins, I really have no idea how many I have.

On the back side, they are happily using the fence as a trellis for quite a few larger (not huge) pumpkins. I hope I don’t pull down the fence!

We have eaten corn - and while it is truly sweet corn this year, the dry weather meant that my cobs weren’t as big as I had hoped even though I watered. But they taste good.

It is difficult to walk in this jungle.

Thank you again for coming along with me on this journey!

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