It's not what I had planned

I had a grand idea for a blog post for today - but it’s not to be.

Instead, let me share with you what I’ve been doing.

Harvesting a few pumpkins. The ones that appear ready now are the small sugar pie ones. Most of the vines have died back. I’ve already picked a few because they just seem “so ready to pick”.

Here’s a small taste of some of the pumpkins in the garden that I’ve harvested. I’m having a hard time walking in the garden due to the vines all over the place.

These are little tiny pumpkins. I should go put a ruler beside them so you can get perspective. But they are the early sugar pie ones - and thus, the vines have died back already and they were no longer growing It is supposed to rain today so hopefully the dirt will all come off. Otherwise, I’ll need to clean them up.

Harvesting zucchini and yellow squash.

Picking a few tomatoes.

Quilting charity quilts. :) I’m currently at 15 left to meet the goal - yes, 75/90 are finished!

Making labels.

Making hearts.

Yeah…I’ve got to figure out how to salvage this one! Suggestions? Maybe a strategic piece of lace completely obliterating the headless person in the boat?

Visiting a couple of people (no pics).

And that’s it. It’s a kind of overview of what’s going on - a very quick one. And not necessarily proportionate to the amount of time I’m spending each day on any one given thing.

Have a great day wherever you are reading!

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

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