Another Box from Fran!

It felt like it was just about the time I finally got to putting the box from Fran when I got yet another one in the mail!


She has been a busy lady!

Here are the tops she sent me for use in our charity quilt effort.


I always feel a little subdued when I see how much she spent on the shipping.

She sends smaller and medium sized ones. In this box were 8 of the smaller ones (on the left) and a total of 8 of the larger/medium sized ones.

Most of these will be a variation of an Around the World Design. A few will be different. Fran is just amazing!

After photographing them I moved into a bag that is now ready to take to the room where most of the tops that I’m not ready to work on quite yet can wait in peace without either getting in the way or giving me big time feelings of guilt.


I know how much each top is - so each one is really appreciated.

For those of you who don’t know - Fran has visited Poland - it was years ago now - and has a husband who is from this part of the world. I think she really enjoyed her time here! She currently lives in Arizona and does what she can as she is in her 70s, approaching 80, I think. She enjoys working with 4.5” squares and tends to make the Around the World design from beautiful and interesting fabrics. She used to attend the church that is associated with our sending church in Chandler, Arizona.

So now you know.

I am blessed with a lot of charity tops! Please pray for strength and stamina for me to be able to complete them!

Thank you again so much for coming with me on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

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