Rachael Reporting in on the Fair
This year Quilted Twins is gearing up again to do a bang up job on the Collura Cottage. We need YOUR help. This year’s theme is “Something to Crow About!’ Of course, you don’t have to do anything chicken themed, but you do have to bring it to us! We can’t strong arm you into sharing your craft with the world!
Becky has done her best to write from afar, to help me out, because I’m going in about 10 different directions at once, it feels like.
Well, finally, Ken and I made the time to go up to the fairgrounds and look around.
The empty room is sad. It looks like THIS:
But we need it to look like this:
So, we need YOUR entry!
Did you know that quilts are a MUST HAVE for a Florida fair to maintain its tax exempt status in some regard? So, we’re here to ensure that we have quilts.
Last year we had 333 total entries. This year I’d love to have 444 entries. However, one of our customers and volunteers submitted 65 of her own items to help us out! So, that means we need you to dig deep!
Dig in that closet. Find that bowl cozy, that placemat, that table runner. Dig out those plants that you planted and get your hubby to make something out of wood.
Jeremiah Petersen made this cool bench. If you know of anyone who does woodworking, please ask them to drop it off or bring it up to the fairgrounds!
Find your diamond dots, your macrame, your knitting, crocheting, basket weaving and painting! Bring it ALL in! Let’s do this!
And we do, indeed, have something new to crow about! Yes, this year, the new category is GARDENING!
Michael Ritschard, my SIL, made this plant stand, and Sarah, my daughter, grew these plants. They were not judged. This year, however, plants will be eligible for ribbons! So, come on and bring your beauties that you baby over in!
We are here to show case plants! We know that we have at least ONE PERSON who is helping us with this! She’s growing some things for the fair!
We need to have a HUGE push and receive products THIS week on Thursday here at the store, while we’re open. We’ll be opening and ready at 11 a.m. for you to bring those items in to us. We are going to receive them down in the Sewin’ Shop and you’ll be able to drop them off.
This year, if you want to sell your items, please make nice little signs, indicating that and put your phone number large enough so that people can take pictures and go home and call you about it! We’ll put those out AFTER the judging is over with.
We aren’t harsh in our judging. Some people want to know what to do better, and we are here to help in that regard. We also want to show people that you all are crafty, quilters and otherwise nifty do-ers!
If you do any woodworking, please, please find someone to bring that in. Last year we had only TWO entries!
We will be receiving things on Friday and Saturday UP at the fairgrounds as well. If you want to submit something and just cannot do it this week, please shoot me a text to let me know, and we’ll make arrangements for next week, too. We do have to have time to set it all up before the judging happens, and I can’t be getting it all in at the last moment.
Diane Howton hung by me in my first foray into figuring out the fair. She was amazing and my “main man” when it came to helping! This year, hopefully, we’ve got more help! If you want to help, just contact us at: 352-507-8458.
Not all things should be brought in a full week early. Two areas: Plants and food. I don’t want to take care of these things for a full week before the juding. So, the two days just prior to the fair opening, we’ll be receiving all of your plants, as well as delicious baked, jarred and “what you’d think of as kitchen” items.. like jams, jellies, preserves, cookies, cakes, etc. If you only want to make one trip in, we can make arrangements to get your quilts up even though they’re late. Just let us know that they’re coming if you can’t make it this week!
See you on Thursday, starting at 11 a.m. here in the Sewin’ shop, with your beauties! We NEED you to dig deep. I haven’t said much to you all, because well, frankly, Becky just finished the quilt campaign by distributing the quilts received from you just the last week before Christmas, and I’m still reeling from all that, and trying to prepare as best as I can for the All Florida Shop Hop!
So, if you’ll dig deep, we’d really appreciate it! Everyone find 1 to 5 things to enter, and we’ll cram that Collura Cottage. Last year, you all were amazing! I want to do even more interviews with you all, and hear more stories! So, come on, help us out!
Let’s beat our 333 items this year!!!!!!!
Raggedy Ann and Andy were crowd favorites!!!!!!!!
Thanks so much, Rachael for letting us see all the beauties.
Make sure if you are a local, that you at least consider bringing something for the fair!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Feel free to browse the site.