Reverse Culture Shock!

When I first come back, I always am impressed by a few things here in the states.

First and foremost - the friendliness of the workers at shops - AND other people in the stores! Random strangers starting up conversations isn’t at all unusual. A lot of Americans seem to be extroverts!

Secondly and thirdly - I’ll show you rather than tell it.

Plastic straws. They’ve done away with them in Poland. I will probably take a lot back with me since I do reuse them til they get holes in them.

My sis told the worker at Burger King that we wanted “a lot” of ketchup. This is what she got. We left the leftovers on the table for the next people. In Poland they give us one ketchup per fries - 2 if we ask for more..


And, of course, the sizes - they are huge. I’ve been trying to just eat one meal plus a bagel for breakfast to keep from gaining weight!

And there you are.

I’ve apparently either caught a cold or have some bad allergies, so I’m calling this one a short evening. I’ve got to take some OTC medicine and get an early night.

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Thanks for coming along wherever you are reading this!

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