"Blissful Bounty Frames" quilt kit available now!
This is a quilt where I really loved the fabrics. As a gardener, I fell in love with this pack and brought it back with me to Poland. I decided that I really didn’t want to just sit and look at it - but I wanted to USE it up.
So this is what I came up with.
I sent the top over to FL to get finished with some other things with Tim, who came over to go with Mike to Ukraine. When he went back, I sent it with him back to the USA.
They mailed it on to Rachael and Diane Hissong finished it for me. She quilted it - and then bound it. Thanks so much, Diane!
I knew if someone else didn’t bind it, well, it would just be sitting there waiting for me when I get back to FL someday.
Love that quilting design! Thanks again, Diane, and Rachael.
I did use a white on white for the white and a green blender for the green.
These blocks are not square - so lest any of you wonder right now - they aren’t. The inner blocks aren’t either - naturally.
Rachael said to me, “I didn’t realize how it was to get a straight photo” when people are just holding it!
I told her, whatever she sent me would be fine. We’d make it work.
We only have 13 of these kits available and there will be no more. SO, if you want one of them - do it now. If you come back later asking for it in 3 months…well, they will probably all be gone. I have no idea how fast these will sell. Sometimes things sell out in a day or two. Sometimes a week. Sometimes longer than that. There are no guarantees. If you have a gardening friend and want to put together an easy quilt - well, this is one. This whole kit is only $64! Get yours now!
if you already have this bundle, you will need to add only two fabrics - a white and green. The pattern is here if you wish to purchase it alone. This is how we decided to work the patterns that we offer in a kit - we are selling them for only $5. That’s pretty reasonable for a pattern - so if you only want the pattern - just buy the pattern!
Oh, and with this pattern and this bundle pack, you will have some leftover fabric - and I made this quilt from that. It was for a mom of a friend. It is on the free patterns page. Obviously I did have to add the extra fabrics.
And that’s all for today. I hope you’ve enjoyed looking at this beautiful quilt.
Thanks for coming along with me on this journey!
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