Which one Should I Make?
In our recent trip to the fabric place here in Poland, I ended up getting a whole bolt (50 meters/yards) of fabric that had a farm theme. The feeling of this print was a panel. I hesitated in buying a whole bolt because I thought I would get sick of it before finishing it up. But, I decided to buy it anyway.
But now, I am looking for advice.
Here is the bolt.
I like this particular panel because i can finish the back with puppies or farm and it is truly a quilt that can be for a boy or girl without any issues at all. I’ve found people here like animals as a theme for their children.
Here is how it looks on the website of the company I bought it from.
I decided to try to cut some of them into about 40” x 60” pieces. And add borders to make a 60’x80” quilt panel.
Then I looked at them and decided to try another look by cutting it at 60”x60” and then adding borders to the top and bottom.
I’ve made up both of these ideas.
Should I do some of each?
I am definitely NOT planning on finishing more than about 15 of these in any one given year - or rather, use up about 1/3 of this bolt each year - so it will last for three years. It would just be too much to make them all up for one year. Too much for me and too much for the give-aways. I like variety. :)
What do you like? Opinions?
Let me know down below. Do you prefer one or the other or should I do some of both?
I want to keep these a full European single because they will last children longer than if I just make them a baby size. And the panel fabric is really cute.
If you have an altogether different idea, I’m all ears. I just don’t want to spend a lot of time on fancy borders because I know these will be for children and the kids will focus on the farm print and not a lot of fussy piecing.
I do have a variety of fabrics to use as those borders. I would simply choose colors from the panel for the borders.
Don’t forget to let me know what you you think.
(And before any of you ask my sis to carry this print - the answer is no - it is too basic for something that people in the states sell. What I mean by that is the detail just isn’t what you all are used to in a print by a typical American designer. By comparison these are simplistic. However, I’ve tried to choose the nicest from what I have and in the end the children will be happy- so it’s fine.)
Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!
Have a great day wherever you are reading!
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