The Pasco County Fair is coming SOON! Central Floridians - help!
The Pasco County Fair in Dade City is coming - February 20-26, 2023.
We need help filling our Collura Cottage! Let’s make it fantastic! Last year Rachael and Ken had no idea what they were doing - but now that they’ve done it one year - they have at least a little idea! Now, they just need “stuff” that you all have done! You all did fantastic last year. Thank you!
Don’t forget - now is the time to be thinking about what you would like to enter into the fair! Remember, “You don’t use it, you lose it!” We need to continue to have participation from area quilters and crafters to make things - from quilts to crocheted/knitted items or craft type items to plants! Yes, house plants! Bring your arrangements!
Here is a list of the categories that we need entries!
To make it short - there are several Divisions. Let me share them with you.
Heirloom Arts: Needlework- Embroidery- Quilts- Quilted Items - Sewing
Home Arts: Baked Goods - Canning/Preserving - Decorated Cakes - Table Settings
Crafts: Hobby Arts - Creative Arts
Be sure to click on the link above to find out what all people have done in the past. But that doesn’t limit you! The article says if you don’t know if there is a class or division for you - bring it and they will MAKE one for you!
We know we could overwhelm them with quilts, couldn’t we? So, let’s also bring dolls, clothing, embroidery, mixed media, crochet, knitting, jewelry, models, wreaths, and even “duct tape use” is one of the categories. (My daughter made me a credit card holder eons ago from duct tape that I’m still using in my purse!)
Let’s blow them out of the water with entries!
Do you have some homemade jam or jelly? We’d love to show them to area people. Let’s show our area people that not everyone is glued to their phones all the time, every day! Some people actually “DO” things with their hands! We know a lot of you are so very talented. Often you all don’t really get to show the world - even if just a small group of friends, your goodies in real life. More often than not, our ‘showing off’ is on the internet or with photos.
And we know that many of our photos don’t do the “real thing” justice. We do know that, don’t we?
I’ll be giving more details in another blog post -as we get closer to the deadline.
Duct Tape! Make something from it - get your kids involved - or grandkids!!!
But NOW is the time to be preparing. Let’s participate!
Maybe you have some children who would like to make something out of duct tape! ?? how fun would that be?
Back when I was still in the states, Dollar Tree carried some off brands of Duct Tape. It doesn’t have to cost much!
This is just a heads up BLOG!
Start collecting your items now!
Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey! Have a great day wherever you are!
Feel free to browse the site.