Ukraine Efforts and Thank yous!
I know…more of this. But the war is still going on in Ukraine and the quilts we sent in 2022 are still reaching new people.
Plus, I took some suitcases to our local refugee center for Ukrainian ladies who are there. We had taken a lot back in December, but we were shy a few, so we ordered more and then took them over about a week or so ago.
Then, we’ve received some photos of people who have received our stuff. Here are the photos. Once again, I’m trying to focus on quilts and/or wool blankets that we purchased.
I did get a message from a dad in the area of Ukraine that is regularly under attack and he sent his son on the baby quilt. Thank you so much for all your help!
Then I got a note from a 17 year old young lady who sent me these photos from her family of people who received quilts.
We are still collecting money to take another trip - and once we get enough, we can plan another trip. In the meantime my husband is getting work done on the truck - the body work needed because of the accident he had in December when he went there last time.
He is planning on taking a quick trip on Tuesday to the border of Ukraine (tomorrow) and bringing back a friend who is planning on moving to the country of Georgia. He will take some things they have asked us for specifically (lights that run on battery and some propane run heaters.
If you do want to help out, you can send money via our mission board. We will get it eventually - it isn’t as immediate as when we sent it through Rachael, my sis. However, Rachael has enough on her hands this year without trying to do this in addition to her other things going on. You can give through this link. Just find our name - Petersens and on your donation put Petersens/Ukraine relief and we will get it.
Thanks again so much! The needs are great.
Thank you so much for all your help in this effort. As this year is just starting to wind up, we will be making more plans and seeing what we can do. For the month of January, we have mostly just focused on seeing about collecting more money, getting Mike’s truck fixed and just recovering physically from so much effort in 2022.
Have a great day wherever you are reading this. Thanks for coming along on this journey!
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