2023 #11-20 Charity quilts finished

It’s about time, isn’t it?

It seriously is.

I’ve actually had the quilts quilted for a month or more but then my machines needed to go to the shop for a tuneup. I use the big ones for binding. (Janome 8900 or 12000)

Well, I got them back, so there is no excuse for continuing to put off finishing them.

So I did.

And here they are.

All washed and dried.

Ready to go to the church building where we can store them until this fall, Lord willing, where we can have a give-away once I finish the rest for this year. That’s such a lofty goal, isn’t it?

I’ve been a bit lazy this year so far, I think.

Well, I don’t think it’s actually lazy. I guess I’m just interested in doing a few other things. I’ve got more flowers and more of a garden than I’ve had before. So…there’s that.

Then I’ve been having such a great time with the hearts - they do take time even if they are small little projects.

There have been a few short trips to Ukraine this year which have required my time.


Also, my sis and I submitted some quilts to the All Florida Shop Hop (ideas) - for the first time ever for me to submit something to a magazine. :)

So…I decided to quit making excuses and get these done!

So at least this set of quilts is done! Yeah!

Here are a couple of photos of this group of quilts on their way to the church and then put upstairs where they can wait in peace and quiet.

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

Oh - one more photo - here they are in the room. I had a hard time reaching the pile because of the bags and bags of finished tops in the room.

What has happened is that for over a year we had people from Ukraine staying at the church. During that time ‘other things’ migrated to my storage room (things I don’t want in there). Just recently our long term resident found a different place and now I think I can go there and find other place for some of the things in that room and rearrange all those bags. I think there is some room in some of the tubs that we have in there. But with people staying there and on the same level (upstairs) as that room I’ve been spending minimal time up there- just feeling like I’m invading personal space - even though I’m not really. However, now I can do it since no one is staying there now.

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!