Another Quilt Featuring 2.5" squares!
“My That’s Busy” is something I heard that someone said about a recent design my sis was sharing with them. Yes, it was.
But this one is BUSIER!
My, oh my!
Earlier this year when I was uncovering forgotten blocks in my sewing room well, this block was among them.
All this block is featuring a center 2.5” block, surrounded by 1.5” cut pieces (1.5”x2.5” for the sides and 1.5”x4.5” for the top and bottom), surrounded by more 2.5” cut squares. Super simple and a great way to use up a bunch of 2.5” squares!
I had about 3 or 4 of them already done - maybe more. I don’t remember now. I wanted to do something with them. I knew I would have to make more.
Then I saw someone else actually make up a design with this same block. I think they put them together with sashing. Sadly, I don’t remember where or who it was. It spurred me on to come up with a design that I liked - something that I wanted to make with these blocks.
I decided that I wanted to go with brights or at least bolds! So, I went through my 2.5” strips and went for a lot of bold, brights and clear colors. I tried to stay clear of pale pastels or muddy colors. I did see I used some stronger pinks, though - just was picking off out of my bags of strips. I was mainly trying to avoid the browns/tans.
Here you can see my safety pin as I put the top together I kept moving it to mark the top left block.
The easy part of this one was making the blocks. For me, these wonky sashing pieces just seem to take forever!!!
I did not even begin to try to put any certain block in any place. There was just “too much” to try to spread out certain designs or colors. I had a variety!
Then I had majorly pieced cornerstones! Yes - the sashings and cornerstones are wide - 5”. The blocks are only 8”, so the cornerstones and sashings do take up a bit of the quilt!
I will probably bind it with scrappy - seriously scrappy. Just dark pieces of red, blue, purple, etc.
I used a sort of low-volume type of print for the sashing pieces.
And yes, it is busy! Working with this one made me go a little crazy.
This top is about 90”x100” - about.
I’m kind of relieved I’m done with this one. I probably should have started on the sashing pieces earlier in the process. It is hard for me to start such complicated and extensive sashing pieces when my blocks are all done. Psychologically I’m ready to put the top together, but of course, I can’t when I have so many more pieces to make!
Plus, I’ve been doing gardening and various other things along the way. :)
But there you go. Here is the layout if you are interested.
Layout with lines
Layout without lines
And there you go. Another top all finished! If you happen to have a great name suggestion, well, I’m all ears!
Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!
Have a great day wherever you are reading!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
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