Another Goodie Box from Fran!
This box arrived probably as I was winging my way to the states.
Look how much Fran had to pay to get this one to Poland! I do appreciate it, and as she has made enough quilts for half of Otwock (ok, slight exaggeration), she has certainly invested a lot into this ministry. We appreciate her so much!
Anyway, I didn’t have the energy to deal with boxes like this when first coming back - I had my own suitcases to deal with.
Well, that stuff is just about all put away or at least well on its way to the proper places, so I felt ready to open this box and another one that was waiting for me - just sitting on the couch. I suppose a younger “me” would have opened them immediately. However…an older “me” knows I have to deal with whatever is in the boxes after I open them. LOL
Anyway, here are the wonderful goodies that I found.
First of all - something different - a piece of fabric Fran sent. Have you ever seen anything like it? there is no name on the selvage.
I am sure it would make a wonderful backing for a boy’s quilt - or a baby boy quilt. So fun!
The words did make me laugh.
But beyond that, I found many tops. Here they are! Most of these were larger - just a few smaller ones which I will add several borders to in order to make them a European single.
Then the larger ones.
I know how long these tops take to make individually, so I know that this box which not only cost Fran a lot in TIME and energy and money for fabric, also cost he a pretty penny to ship to me! I will do my best finish these and get them on to the needy as quickly as I can.
I am a bit backlogged more than I had wanted to be simply due to a lack of time and energy- and now my trip to the states. however, thankfully because the long-arm room is in the basement, which is the coolest part of the house, the summer is no longer a “no quilt” zone of the year. That is such a huge blessing to me!
Anyway, I appreciate Fran AND all of you who have given me charity quilt tops. I brought four more that I found that Rachael had and I shipped probably 11 or 12 to myself to come in the a month or two - ones that you all had given my sis for me.
Thanks again!
Have a great day wherever you are reading this. Thanks so much for coming along!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
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