Thank you all, for your prayers and concern! Praise the Lord for safety!

I’m back in Poland. At our house.

Safe and sound.

I arrived first to the house to find out we’d lost power some time ago. Hmm.

I didn’t have the heart to start cleaning out the freezer. That’s for another day/another time.

I just turned the power back on (at the breaker box).

And started unpacking suitcases. And sorting. Oh, and our cat showed up as soon as I had a couple of my suitcases moved from the van to the landing area of the house. He was meowing at me nonstop, but almost hoarse sounding. Poor thing. I couldn’t decide if he was angry with us for leaving him (the neighbor fed him) or happy to see me. He went all around the house looking for Mike.

My husband was in Amsterdam so I wrote him that it as kind of chilly in the house - but the longer I worked, the colder I got. He told me he had already gotten a fire ready in the fireplace and all I had to do was go light it. So, I did that. I did get the house from 6C (43 F) up to 12C (54 F) before I had to go pick him up at the airport. I was actually kind of tired but not absurdly as tired as I had feared I would be.

I’ve got the table still stacked up with various things I brought back - almost all fabric.

I know. I didn’t NEED any. But I had room in my suitcases and some ideas were brewing. I wasn’t in the states long enough to actually “do” all that I wanted to do with the fabric that my sis has in the store that inspired me. So, I brought some of it back!

How’s that?

Oh yes - I also did get several of my own quilts long-arm quilted while in the states by the two who quilt for Rachael - so I have to write up those patterns and show you.

I did hit the bed shortly after 9 pm last and didn’t move til about 7:30 am. I got up about 8 am for real - that’s about 11 hours! I do feel okay now but it will take a few days to feel “normal”. Jet lag is vicious - and worse when you are older, I think. (Oh, and my husband took over heating up the house once he came in the door - it’s now fine in here - around 66F and getting warmer - everything in the whole house had cooled off so it is taking some time.)

Right now I’m still putting things away - and various other small things as I have energy to tackle.

I was away for 5 weeks - 2.5 weeks ahead of my husband who did some things around the house while I was gone! One of the things he did for me was put in far more lighting in my main sewing room upstairs! That will be a huge help as it was pretty dim in there. I think he saw how nice and bright my long arm room when he finished in there! Anyway, in doing that, he kind of moved things around - and it was already a place where a lot of stuff had gotten piled anyway (ahem…code term for a disaster area), so I will need a few days to get that in order! But I love the light! It will make a huge difference!

Anyway - my luggage all came in good shape, as did my husband’s and we made it back safely - two completely different routes. I flew Tampa-Detroit-Paris-Warsaw and he flew Tampa-Heathrow-Amsterdam-Warsaw. I arrived about 6.5 hours ahead of him in Poland.

Thanks again for caring.

I’ll be catching you up on things in the next days and weeks as I write here.

Have a great day wherever you are reading.

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