Teal, coral and Caribbean quilt top

I designed this quilt last year and I dilly dallied about making it up. I showed it to my sister and she really wanted me to make it.

For some reason I kept putting it off. I think it was the size of the blocks as they are larger than I usually work with. So, while I kept putting off making the top - I hadn’t forgotten about it. I had already gathered the fabrics I had - and even made one or two blocks to check them out. I then kind of just put it all away.

And I ignored it. I’m just as good at procrastinating as anyone!!

Then Rachael asked me about it. It was one of those things where I said, “Ok, I’ll finish it”. I struggled with making it, though. I really did. I really just pushed through - completely forcing myself to do it for my sis’s sake.


But here is the final top.

I was really glad to get this one done!

In the end, I do need a name for the design. Ideas?

I’d appreciate it.

Have you ever finished up a top or quilt that you really just did not enjoy doing - and without any very good reason - just “because”? I mean, I’m fine with the finished product. In fact, it’s nice. Very nice.

But for some reason I didn’t enjoy working on it - it is so far beyond what I normally do! I’m sure that is a big part of it! Let’s see. It’s not very scrappy and the blocks are large. Those two things make it quite different than what I normally do. :)

Let me know in the comments!

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

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