2023 Charity Quilts #111-120

Here are the last ten I’m doing for this year. Earlier I thought that I would try to do more than 120, but then I remembered WHY I had set a goal of 120. It was to relieve my mind and heart about making more and more and more. A person is never done if there isn’t a specific goal.

And that is hard on me - to feel like I’m “never done” is wearing on my psyche. So I’m going to go back to what I set up in 2018 - a goal of 120/year and when I finish those, well, consider it signed, sealed, stamped, and mailed.



I have to have some mental relief with the project. And so with this particular set of quilts, I am considering myself “done” with my own goals having to do with charity quilts this year. :)


Here are a couple of close ups of the bindings on this last set.

Thanks again for any of you who have helped. If your help has been encouragement - well, that is a big deal! It is has been physical help - that’s huge as well!

Here is the whole stack of quilts I have available for this year’s Give-away.

And as I’ve been doing lately - here are some pictures from other years of give-aways. Soon we’ll be doing this for our give-away. It’s scheduled for the last Saturday in November.

Thank you again for coming along with me on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

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