Yes, we have the Fabric Bundle for the Bonnie Hunter Mystery quilt 2023
This year we are pleased to offer, once again, a fabric bundle for the 2023 Fall/winter Mystery Quilt offered by Bonnie Hunter.
We have been offering these bundles for quite a few years now and they are quite popular with our customers.
Every year when the colors are announced, we begin working to collect fabrics in the colors she instructs everyone to get.
This year, in Indigo Way, the newly released Winter Mystery Quilt, the colors of choice chosen by Bonnie are blues, neutrals and reds.
This is what we have come up for your bundle. This is the first version, with some variations in the bundle.
Now, many of you will look at the bundle and realize that it doesn’t have a lot of crazy designs in there. I do that because I find that Bonnie Hunter tends to make lots of small pieces with plenty of seams, creating pretty intricate designs.
This is the first version of the Bonnie Hunter Indigo Way - Classic Version
So, if you have lots of colorful patterns on your fabrics in your bundle, then your quilt comes out really, really busy, and it’s hard to see the amazing design that you’ve sewn up once you’re done.
If you’ve been around long, you know that we’ve been quite successful with making these bundles up with my neutrals being “quieter.” Consequently, the whole quilt ends up gorgeous, because it allows the colors and design to shine, instead of the all the busyness of lots and lots of different patterned and colorfully bright fabrics.
In the listing on the Quiltville website, I did find that it was suggested that we could use one three yard cut of solid red. However, I find that six half yard cuts of TONALS are much, much more interesting, at least for the “classic” version. (I’ll have to do a single cut in the batik version)
If you want me to use a single plain old solid red, please mark it as such in the NOTES or on the order itself. Please do not place your order, and then stop and call or send us an email. The two events are disconnected. In other words, different people print and fill the orders from those who read and answer the emails! The default for the Classic Version is six different TONAL half yard cuts of reds.
As well by now most of you know that our voice mail box remains full, so we just revert to text messages, as that’s easier for us to handle, and doesn’t require a secretary! Plus, text messages pop up onto our computer, so anyone can sit down for 30 seconds, and read and answer a text message, without even having to have the context of a phone call. If questions arise, we can simply read back the previous messages to figure out what the topic is. Additionally, since we use Google Voice, we can attach your name to it, working as a virtual secretary for us!
I had a super busy day yesterday, as our first day back from Houston, so I did not have time to pull together the Batik and Civil War versions, but they are in the works.
I have them set up on the website, and if you trust us, we’ll do a beautiful job for you with those bundles, too!
Otherwise, you are welcome to wait until we have images, and then you can choose whether you want to do those.
Thanks so much for coming along with us on this journey!
Have a great day wherever you are reading this!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
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