So Who am I Cheering for?

Some of you might remember that I like watching (or rather, mostly listening to) baseball, while I sew or quilt - or cut.

Well, the regular season is over, and the Tampa Bay Rays did make it to the post season, but lost the first two games in the Wild Card series, so their year is over. It is kind of a relief to me, however, as it was fraught with injury after injury to their pitchers and regular players. It was hard to be up and down as their season was very good and then very bad!

Then, some of you might remember that I really liked Buck and Pat, the announcers for the Blue Jays, so I became a Toronto Blue Jays fan - simply because I liked the commentators. Well, last year Pat Tabler retired from announcing, so it was Dan and Buck - most of the year and I tended to listen to those games while sewing or cutting.

However, my heart was still with Tampa.

Anyway - the Blue Jays also made it to the Wild Card series, and they also lost in the first two games. So they are out of it.

But the other series are going on now.

I’m writing this a little before it is going live, so the American League Division Series is going on, or ALDS. and the NLDS (National League Division Series).

I know that some of you really just don’t care at all. So I won’t keep going, but the playoffs are on.

I always miss baseball once the season is over because it is something I can listen to without needing to actually watch much - and the games go for 2-3 hours at a time!!! So it is great for me.

Anyway - Football season is also starting! These sports’ seasons overlap.

I’m not much into football, but many people are!

So…did you realize we have licensed fabrics in the store? If you aren’t into sports, but your loved ones are, you’d make some real brownie points by making SOMETHING from these fabrics. Maybe a quilt, but maybe just an apron or zipper type pouch bag or something really fun for that person!

Let me share with you what we’ve got!

I’ll see if we have any from the teams that are in the MLB playoffs this season. Now sadly, we don’t have them ALL, but we have quite a few of the teams that featured or are currently in the playoffs. Be sure to check the width - as I believe most of these are nice and wide - 58”!

We also have the football teams.

Here are the NFL teams.

And then, we do have a lot of college teams as well.

We can’t carry ALL of the teams out there. Sometimes they aren’t even all available at the same time! So, when we can, we do snap up the ones - esp. for teams in our area.

So….don’t forget - you can make someone a quilt - or something simpler - maybe a tote bag for a lady who loves a team.

A few years ago now, I did make my daughter-in-law a quilt featuring her team - the Huskers! Let me show you. I only bought 1/2 yard of each of the two fabrics. Boy was I kicking myself when I went to actually make her a quilt that I hadn’t bought at least a yard of each!!!

Anyway - I know this one has been well used! I’m positive if you would make a quilt with such a theme for a loved one - they, too, would love it!

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Becky Petersen1 Comment