“Double Irish Delight”

I made this top many years ago as well as many you have seen the past couple of months!

Remember how I told you at the beginning of the year that I wanted to get my old tops finished? Well, this is another one of those “old ones” that I wanted to get finished in 2024.

And here it is.


I originally made this top in 2017 so it’s been a while.

I quilted it with loops.

I don’t really know why I took so long to finish this one as I really think it is pretty. Maybe it is just “too much” pink - even though I love pink!

It’s a queen size quilt and turned out perfectly. I am very pleased with it!


Here’s the quilt roll.

The pattern has been written and on the site, but I’ve updated the photo and pattern and reuploaded it here.

And there go - another one finished! So pretty. Once again - not sure what I’m going to do with it. I may search around for a friend to give it to - but it has to be one who LOVES pink!

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!