I'm Back!
I did make it back to Poland on Saturday afternoon!
I have so much to catch you up on, but to make a long story short, I made it safely along with the luggage, and that makes me quite happy!
I came from Tampa though Atlanta and Paris and then finally landing here in Warsaw.
I had this whole row to myself on the long flight. 4 seats, side by side.
Mike met me at the airport. I was able to gate check my carry on at the first gate in Tampa so all the bags were sent on to Warsaw without me having to drag a heavy one through the airports.
We’ve started planning for this eventuality once we realized how wonderful it is to not have to think about that carry-on bag until the final destination. So, if now they call for people who want to check their roller carry-ons, we gladly let it get checked since they don’t charge for it.
I came home and unloaded all three bags and separated out the stuff that was for my son and daughter in law that we brought over - and the fabric and packs in one pile and my clothes into another pile. I’ve been getting each of the piles put away. Naturally by a lot, the biggest pile was fabric or bundle packs!
But back to my various sewing and quilting related things.
I didn’t cut up any strips for March so that is a total of 0. I’ll show you the table here.
I did pack an additional 4 boxes of fabric pieces and some pieces or tops you all gave me to bring back (to be made into charity quilts) which I shipped. Hopefully everything will be here within 2 months from now. When I ship boxes, I’m generally not in a hurry to get the stuff. In this case, however, some of it I would rather get fast as these last two boxes included some things I didn’t have room for in my suitcases. Anyway…it’s not as if I have nothing to do!
Regarding my goals for the year -
Let me address my second goal of FINISHING 50 quilts this year. Last year I did such a dismal job of actually finishing my own quilts that I decided that this year that has to be priority this year. So, so far I’ve actually FINISHED completely - meaning quilted and bound — 51 quilts. So, this goal is technically met.
However, the goal was worded like this:
“Finish 50 quilts of my own (or simply get caught up) so that I have none waiting for me to finish up quilting.”
It is obvious I didn’t know how many tops I had waiting for me to finish up (ones that aren’t charity tops) as I have gotten 51 finished, but have 11 more waiting to be bound and washed, plus 2 that are sandwiched and not quilted yet (I am going to be doing straight line quilting on both) and a few more down in the long arm room patiently waiting their turn to be quilted.
SO…there’s that. I’ve finished up 50+ quilts with the help of 2 long-armers in Florida who helped me make that goal by quilting up some of the tops that I wanted to leave in Florida as finished quilts. But I’m not really done or met the “rest of the goal” which is
so that I have none waiting for me to finish up quilting.
What in the world did I write??????????
However, this is one of the reports I’ve been wanting to share with you. It’s exciting that I’ve been able to get that many done or pretty close to done.
It’s also why February was incredibly busy for me. I was working so hard at trying to get those quilts finished, plus preparing blog posts that I thought I was going to get buried! But that’s over now. I hope to stay better caught up on my quilt tops now.
So…now that I’m back - the weather here is gorgeous. It is making me want to put out more hearts - as it’s bright and cheery and people are out and about. In February when I wanted to put them out, it was rainy and really not conducive to being outside. Now people are outside in droves.
So there you are. My goals are first to get caught up on some laundry and then get going on reevaluating where I am. I had spent a lot of energy on getting a lot of quilts out here and then on finishing quilting tops. Now I hope to be able to be back at it.
My allergies have kicked in at full swing and while I’d like to be outside, probably staying inside mostly, at least, for a few more days while I wait for meds to help me out would be the best thing.
Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!
Have a great day wherever you are reading this!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Feel free to browse the site.