"Quilt Story Time" - Day 2

This is one of my earlier quilt attempts. I took this photo back in 2012.

I had seen someone make a cute flip flops quilt in a magazine, I believe, and decided to attempt it myself. I don’t remember where I got the pattern for the flip flop, but this was probably my first applique quilt.

I loved it - and still like it. I quilted each little block individually first, before joining with the pink sashing. I did have to make the borders in the same style and that was different for me to attempt as it was a Quilt as you Go (QAUG) quilt.

Overall, I loved the center of the quilt. I wasn’t equally as enthralled by the borders, but I did like that my outer border is flip flop fabric.

I like the look of the flip flops and had fun making them. I liked that each one is different. I like that it was totally different from most of my scrappy type quilts while still being scrappy and not having all the blocks being the same.

I was able to change the colors of the actual flip flops, as you see, but also the different positions - some positioned like they were on top of each other or just taken off and left there or carefully positioned. I enjoyed trying to figure that out and making them different.

I still have this one and use it in the summer time on the back of my sofa in my living room.

Becky Petersen4 Comments