"Quilt Story Time" - Day 6

This quilt was made in 2014. We have a very nice neighbor lady who has gone through some difficult things in her family life.

At the time of my making this quilt she had just come through the worst and hopefully things were looking up for her. I had found out that she liked browns so I made her this quilt for her just to try to lift her spirits.

Here it is on our rug in the living room which we had at the time. Mike has since refinished the floor.

She was very surprised - and seemed to really like it! :)

I was surprised by the look that was made by simply alternating that simple uneven 9 patch and an alternating plain block on point. I liked it as well!

This is a short story - I know, but I made it brown for her and with the chain effect for me. :) It seems like all Polish older women like brown, and at that time I wasn’t as convinced that brown quilts would be nice. By this time in my quilting life, I’m fully persuaded!

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

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