"Centerpiece View" - an All Florida Shop Hop 2024 quilt kit!
This week we will be sharing our kits that we are offering for the All Florida Shop Hop which is taking place in March/April of 2024 all around the state of Florida.
The first is Centerpiece View.
This quilt features the 2024 Florida Shop Hop panel which shows off various sized smaller panels of things found in Florida.
We took the colors from the panel and after a lot of back and forth, the ladies decided that this coloration was the one we wanted.
I know if you are regular readers of this blog, this layout is not unfamiliar with you - but you’ve not seen it with this panel before.
My son, Tim and his wife, Claire came to Florida just in time for Tim to get some photos for us so we could introduce this quilt.
The quilt was designed by me - with the help of the ladies in the shop - especially Rachael - but not only - and the top was pieced by Mike Flynn. It was quilted by Diane Hissong in Lakeland, Florida.
We are so pleased with how beautiful it looks.
We wanted to make sure you are aware of the coordinating backings this year as well.
One we found that works very well with this is the Earth Jewels line and it is found here.
The quilt kit can be purchased for only $88. We are holding the price to the same as last year - determined to try our best to keep quilting as affordable as possible for you all. It does include a paper copy of the pattern plus the fabric for the top and binding.
The pattern can be found alone here if you’d prefer to just get it and use your stash.
This quilt is dramatic. If you are one who loves the kind of drama that this quilt affords, then you should get this kit!
I wanted to say a special thank you to Timothy Petersen - who was able to get these photos for us!
This post is going live on January 15. The kits are for pre-order right now and will be available to have in your hands on March 1. Those are the rules of the Shop Hop.
We are not preselling yardage - but we ARE preselling kits of all kinds.
This is our first quilt kit for the 2024 All Florida Shop Hop.
We have been working on several this year and hope you enjoy all of them!
We will prepare the kits and if you mark on your order for pickup, it will be waiting for you on the first of March in the store. Otherwise it will be shipped right around March 1 if you order ahead of time. Obviously anyone can order this - you do NOT have to be from Florida!
If somehow you are reading this blog post well after the time of writing, then the little blurb about shipping after March 1doesn’t apply. In that case, just enjoy the photos and check the link for the kit and just order if we still have it.
Have a great day wherever you are.
Be sure to check us out every day this week to see what’s going on at Quilted Twins!
Thanks so much for coming along with us on this journey!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Feel free to browse the site.