Wellness Report - and my Cathedral Windows Quilt

Now that I’m mostly better from whatever I had in March and April - well, my husband is now struggling with it in a big way! Since he is a preacher, it was pretty sad on Sunday when he was trying to preach and the longer he was speaking on Sunday the less voice he had.

I realized that I had gone through some of that while he was in Central Asia. I was here by myself and didn’t talk to a lot of people during that time. I only noticed my problem when I had to talk on the phone or I talked with him via Messenger.

It was almost humorous. I didn’t spend my days talking out loud or to the cat. I didn’t realize what my status was.

I’ve heard it is all over Poland and has been - and it’s a pretty strong one this year - people are often sick with a cough and/or lost voice and sinus pressure as well.

Have you all had this in your part of the world where you are?

Just curious about that.

I did get some nice photos of my Cathedral Windows quilt that I washed and trimmed threads and then photographed. I didn’t actually have to do any repairs at all. Let me share a few of the pictures with you.

This part of the blog post is a part 2 of this blog post - Quilt story Time, part 4.

If you missed it - this one weighs about 8.5 lbs.

I’ll just let the photos show the quilt now. I left the quilt on the line and took photos at at least three different times of the day. You can tell by the lighting on the quilt.


Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!